"Mommy, it's broke. I can't fix it." June was almost in tears when she handed me her newest doll which she named Melody. "What is wrong with Melody?" I asked as I looked the doll over. "She is not talking no more." June whispered. You could see the tears about to burst through her eyes. "It is ok, Dr. Mommy is here for the rescue. It says unscrew the back of the toy, press the black button and hold it down for five seconds. Then release and it will be reset. Lets give it a try." I flipped the doll over and did as instructed. Within seconds the doll begain to work again. All it needed was to be refreshed. "Looks like she is going to make it." I said handing the doll back to June. "Thank you! Thank you Mommy! Your the best Doctor in the whole world! And the best Mommy!" She hugged me then ran off to go play with Melody some more.
#16 Deactivate to Reactivate Yourself
Now I know that must sound so funny to hear. Deactivate to Reactivate? But seriously it works. How can you deactivate? Start by not overwhelming yourself with activities. Alot of people put to much on themselves.
I have to go to college, go to work, go pay a car bill on my break, go back to work, get off go pay another bill, get groceries, drop them off at home, go back to college, go home fix dinner, while doing laundry, clean up after dinner, email a few friends, then head to bed to start the day over. It gets overwhelming especially now that I am joining the chior and have a few extra one day classes that I decided to squeeze in. I know I can do it but it just gets exhausting at times. - Mary
Many people just keep adding and adding until it becomes to much for them to handle. We dont realize we are doing it until the last moment. This brings us to the point of exhaustion, overwhelm, stress, and even can go into extremes. I have heard of people feeling they have to do everything and as soon as they mess up on a minor detail they become majorly depressed even to the thought of suicide. That is not how it should be.
#16 Deactivate to Reactivate Yourself
Now I know that must sound so funny to hear. Deactivate to Reactivate? But seriously it works. How can you deactivate? Start by not overwhelming yourself with activities. Alot of people put to much on themselves.
I have to go to college, go to work, go pay a car bill on my break, go back to work, get off go pay another bill, get groceries, drop them off at home, go back to college, go home fix dinner, while doing laundry, clean up after dinner, email a few friends, then head to bed to start the day over. It gets overwhelming especially now that I am joining the chior and have a few extra one day classes that I decided to squeeze in. I know I can do it but it just gets exhausting at times. - Mary
Many people just keep adding and adding until it becomes to much for them to handle. We dont realize we are doing it until the last moment. This brings us to the point of exhaustion, overwhelm, stress, and even can go into extremes. I have heard of people feeling they have to do everything and as soon as they mess up on a minor detail they become majorly depressed even to the thought of suicide. That is not how it should be.
It is like cleaning out a computer. You delete all the old files, pictures, and programs that you dont use, dont want, and/or dont need. This is what you need to do wtih your normal day to day activities. Do you really need to take that extra class right now? Can it wait until you have finished the classes you have now? Focus on what you have going on now.
Ok I would like to do the cooking class now but I would be so worn out... oh it is being retaught in August. Oh that is better because I dont have as much going on. let me do that instead. I am glad that worked out because I proably would have been stressing about not having time to finish things on time or money to afford the materials since I have other things needing to be paid right now that take priority. Plus this will give me time to relax at home for a bit.
Find the activities you truly enjoy or alternate from activities. Don't let your activities beat you up, instead give your activities the time you and they deserve.
I know I could have graduated along time ago but I am glad that I am not stressed like alot of my friends. I take a couple of classes, work part time and enjoy breathing the rest of the day. I can go for walks with my dog, do my grocery shopping with out having to rush. I enjoy life. I may not have that fancy house like I have seen others have. Instead I have an apartment which I love. It gives me shelter and I can enjoy being in it longer then some that have the fancier houses. They dont get to enjoy them because they are always in a rush." - Melanie
Todays challenge: Take five minutes, make a list of all you do. Wean out what you don't need to do. Make sure you do have one fun day in each day of the week. It doesn't have to be going on trips all the time but maybe watching a movie at home that you have yet to see. See if it makes a difference.
~Hugs Keyria~
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2
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