I don't want to grow up I love being a kid, there are lots of toys that I play with from video games, bikes and planes, I just want to be a a kid, .... of course the song for that goes differently and is for a toy store but basically that was our thought process as we got older. A lot of us take for granted the youth we once had. We wanted to grow up so fast that we completely missed the joy of being that kid. The 6th method is:
6) Be a Kid Again
Have you noticed how when you were a very little kid nothing really worried you? You were fearless, brave, you didn't understand pain until it happened. You were free to run around and a play. Your stress wasn’t there in your life at that age (..In most cases that is). Pretend you are a kid and go back to doing kid activities. This, like finding a hobby will change your thoughts to focus on something else.
Here are a few kid activities you could do.
*Play legos (we even have lego land out there for us big kids)
* Color, draw, Paint
* Sing a silly song
* Dance a little
* Read a story book or a comic book
* Play with play dough or finger-paint
* Have a water balloon fight, Water gun or even paint ball.
* Play tag or lazer tag
* Go to an amusement park, they're a playground for big kids and little kids of ALL ages)
* Play a video game. A fun gaming site is Online Games Your Way
When we act like a child our worries are not there. We do not know what stress is or even what it means. To us we only know that we want to be Peter Pan the boy that stayed a boy forever (that is unless you watched Hook). The second star to the right and straight on till morning is Neverland, a place that we all need to go back and visit.
Todays Challenge: What was your favorite childhood activity? Write a comment or email me and let me know. Then I want you to relive one of the activities: Go get on a swing at a park, go play with playdough, paint or color, or pull out a old kids board game and get your friends and family involved. You will remember how much fun it was to be a kid or even what it was like to be a kid.
~Hugs Keyria~
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~Jesus in Mark 10:14~
6) Be a Kid Again
Have you noticed how when you were a very little kid nothing really worried you? You were fearless, brave, you didn't understand pain until it happened. You were free to run around and a play. Your stress wasn’t there in your life at that age (..In most cases that is). Pretend you are a kid and go back to doing kid activities. This, like finding a hobby will change your thoughts to focus on something else.
Here are a few kid activities you could do.
*Play legos (we even have lego land out there for us big kids)
* Color, draw, Paint
* Sing a silly song
* Dance a little
* Read a story book or a comic book
* Play with play dough or finger-paint
* Have a water balloon fight, Water gun or even paint ball.
* Play tag or lazer tag
* Go to an amusement park, they're a playground for big kids and little kids of ALL ages)
* Play a video game. A fun gaming site is Online Games Your Way
When we act like a child our worries are not there. We do not know what stress is or even what it means. To us we only know that we want to be Peter Pan the boy that stayed a boy forever (that is unless you watched Hook). The second star to the right and straight on till morning is Neverland, a place that we all need to go back and visit.
Todays Challenge: What was your favorite childhood activity? Write a comment or email me and let me know. Then I want you to relive one of the activities: Go get on a swing at a park, go play with playdough, paint or color, or pull out a old kids board game and get your friends and family involved. You will remember how much fun it was to be a kid or even what it was like to be a kid.
~Hugs Keyria~
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~Jesus in Mark 10:14~
Love the blog, how appropriate, this past weekend we pulled out the water guns and had fun acting like kids again. God Bless! T~