Thursday, July 21, 2011

Challenge Of This Week

Are you ready for this weeks challenge? Of course you are. You have been ready for quiet some time now haven't you. This weeks challenge is to...


Now you are looking at this and thinking, well that is not much of a challenge but believe me it is. I want you to smile at EVERYTHING. I am not just talking your smiling at a person as they walk by but also at your daily routines that could have mishaps.

The other day I was in the store. Now I do not believe I have told this but I had an injury a while back that has hurt my back. So I am very cautious when it comes to doing certain activities. However I was not cautious enough or in time for what was about to happen. There I was standing in line waiting patiently. I notice I seem to find the lines that make me wait. Oh well. I am standing there and then it turns to my turn. So I am putting up my items, now I do not know about you but I like to watch the items get rang up so I know I am getting the same price I saw on the shelf. So I am trying to quickly load onto the conveyer belt as the cashier is checking my stuff. I figure I will count it in my head. I finish up and push the cart in front of me and go to pay. When a shooting pain goes down my back. The person behind me was not paying no attention and hit me with their cart. I was about to turn and say something along the lines of "Excuse me, am I invisible." I was only going to say that due to the person not apologizing. Yet my thoughts hit me all at once. As I am thinking away I am slowly finishing up paying and walking to the car. It takes more effort to be kind then it does not to be.

I thought what if the person behind me didn't realize it? Was that person to busy talking to notice? Should I start a fight just because I felt upset? If I did that would make me look just as bad as the person. So instead I walked away and as I walked away I found a penny and then smiled. This may not seem like much but there is a poem I loved growing up about how when you are down a angel will toss down a penny to cheer you up. For the rest of the day I smiled and I had a really nice day. I even got smiles back from other people.

So your challenge is smile. Even if you spill coffee, trip, make a mistake I want you to smile and look out because there may be a pe nny from an angel coming your way in the days to come.

~Keyria Lockheart~

Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


By Kristina Hollon

There I stood in a lush green field with decorations of scattered weeded, blue and yellow flowers. The breeze whipped through my hair with gentle short breaths. The decorated grass danced back and forth to the melody that was being played by the quartets of crickets, frogs and humming bees nearby. The sky was painted with yellow, orange, red and purple blotches and streaks.

Beautiful, was the only word that could describe something so beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes away from the view that was presented before me nor plug my ears to ignore such beautiful songs. Instead I sat down in the grass that laid belo0w my feet and joined the grass in dancing to each of the melodies. I swayed back and forth rocking slowly to each wave of new songs as the birds joined into the melody by giving their own rendition of how the chorus went as they flew by. There was a faint sound of the sheep baaing on our neighbor’s land. I listened and tried to decipher their voices to see if I could recognize which voice belonged to whom. “Baa Baa,” That was Spot. “Baaaaa,” there was patches. “Baa Bah Baa Bah,” was that Callie? Or was that…

Suddenly I was moved forward by a force other than my own. It was not a harsh force but a gentle strong one. I smiled realizing what the force was from. “Hey Virtue,” I said to my horse as I reached up giving her a loving pat on her nose. She rested her head on my shoulder for a little bit as we looked out at the scene. A few moments later she moved and laid down next to me. “It is so beautiful isn’t it?” I asked her as we sat watching the colors of the sky, acting like mood rings, change form and color. New streaks of color were placed on the masterpiece before us as it laid majestically across the sky.

“The sky is so beautiful. This place was beautiful. Virtue, you are so beautiful” I said giving my horse another loving pat. She gave a whinny as if she agreed with me. “How did I get so lucky? That I get to be here?” but I left the questions unanswered as I smiled at the views and sounds all around. This was a day of peace, this was a day of serenity, this was a day of happiness, this was a day of beauty, this was NOT my day. I am sure it was someone’s day but mine was going to get milk.