Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stress Free Methods #1-3 breathe, enviornment, change mind

Hello all. Did you miss me? I missed you. I haven’t been on in the last two days because I had a goal which had a deadline I needed to finish. This goal was to make a lesson and teach it to kids the next day. I decided to put all my focus into that and learning what I needed to make sure the lesson ran through smoothly. And great news the goal was completed successfully. Yes I did do a few other things but I didn’t overwhelm myself with trying to do EVERYTHING. I picked a few goals out and worked on them. Focusing mainly on the deadline one. I was even blessed to go see a couple of movies at the theater which I normally don’t do often. And I did a small bit of cleaning around the house. I told myself that if the other goals didn’t get done it would be ok. For those goals were not hurting anyone, wasn’t a do or die situation and it would still be there later for me to pick up where I left off.

I wanted to give you some tips on destressing. There are many ways to do this. Each person deals with stress differently as I have said before. So for the following week or so I will be giving you a tip or a way that you may destress your life. Now some of these you may have already heard before, some you may already do and some you may not do. However some of these you may have wanted to try. These are just ideas for you to go out and use and see which one works for you. People say all the time I have tried everything and I still stress…. But have they really tried everything?? For the next week or so I want you to try each one of the following and write me to say which ones worked or did not work for you. You would be surprised at what may work and what you would think does work doesn’t really work.

#1: Breathe

The very first thing we should do is focus on our breathing. As soon as you feel stress is coming on stop whatever you are doing and focus on your breathing. Most people don’t focus on breathing. They are too busy worrying that they may find that they stop breathing for a period of time. This causes your heart to overwork. It may cause many different symptoms like chest pain that we saw with Tommy or it may even cause a heart attack. Breathing is the very essential of our life. We need to breathe to live. So when you start feeling stressed out STOP whatever it is that is going on around you and focus on your breathing

A friend of mine remembered a time when she got on to her first roller coaster. She was very frightened. She started to feel very stressed and kept thinking “What am I doing? I need to get off of this thing” before the ride even started. But before she had a chance to say anything the roller coaster took off. Her friends were screaming and smiling and laughing enjoying the ride while she was holding on for her life and was tightened all over. When the first downward motion of the train happened she started to panic, turning white all over. “Relax” She told herself. Realizing that she was holding her breathe. “Just breathe.” So for the rest of the ride she focused on breathing in and out. After the ride was finished she realized it wasn’t that bad. You just have to relax and let your stress go. She actually went back on the same roller coaster!

Because I was off for two days I decided to give you two more:

#2:Change of Environment

This is one thing I can say really does help. If you are cooped up in a room all day just a step outside for five minutes to get a breath of fresh air can make a world of a difference. You need to be able to change your surroundings. When most stress it is because of the situation they are in at that moment. So to distress take away the situation. Move away from it. This change causes your body to relax more. This does not mean run from the situation but like above take a breather. Just being out in the sun can help a person who has been cooped up way from the sun. That natural light helps reenergize us.

“I work all day inside a cubicle in a office. There are hardly any windows and the lights are not the brightest. It is tedious work. It can be very mind draining at times. There is so much paper work that it can get very stressful. To help me from stressing so much I go out and take a walk around the block. I love the fresh air.This helps me to clear my mind and focus more.” ~Kimberly a business executive.

#3: Clear Your Mind

Redirect your thoughts to more positive things. It is the same aspect as looking as a child. When they have gotten something they are not supposed to we take what they are not supposed to have but replace it with something they can have. Example a young child found a pen and has started to scribble in a book. To redirect we would take away the pen and book but lead them to a table with crayons and plain sheets of paper. So to redirect your mind is to change your mindset. This can be hard at times but luckily there are many methods out there that can help you do this.

*Call a friend
*Read a Book

*Watch TV
*Watch a movie
*Look up jokes
* That is just a few I am sure you can make a list of more ways.

With each tip I am going to have a challenge. I want you to try and do each one of those challenges. It is only one a day and they are not very hard. We will start with today;

Todays Challenge: JUST BREATHE! Yep, it is that easy lol. All I want you to do today is breathe. If you start to feel stress come on. Stop what you are doing and breathe.

Until Next time....

~Hugs Keyria~

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. ~Proverbs 3:3 ~

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