Hahahahaha Hohohoho hehehehehehe hahaha lol lol ROFL hahah hehehehee Hahahahaha! Oh I love to laugh don't you? Laughing is a joy of life. Can you imagine if there was no laughter?
#10 Laughing
Knock knock….who’s there.” We have all heard many of these jokes, and with most of the jokes we laugh. We say “hahaha Thanks I needed that.” This is true. A good laughter helps with distressing. When they say laughter is the best medicine they are right. Laughter is a great medicine. Laughter actually makes you move and tightens some of your muscles up for exercise lol. And we all know exercise is good so laugh and laugh some more. Give your tickle bone a good work out.
Everyone has different senses of humor. I am very kiddish and I like humor that you can find on kiddie shows, movies, series. So go look up George Lopez, Bob Smiley, Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff Dunham, Dane Cook.... or whoever you like to watch and get out a good laugh. There are so many great comedians out there. Find some you like and go for it.
Knock knock
Whos there
Seal who?
Seal you tomorrow ......(Seal = see all )
haha ok not the best one but it is my own lol.
#10 Laughing
Knock knock….who’s there.” We have all heard many of these jokes, and with most of the jokes we laugh. We say “hahaha Thanks I needed that.” This is true. A good laughter helps with distressing. When they say laughter is the best medicine they are right. Laughter is a great medicine. Laughter actually makes you move and tightens some of your muscles up for exercise lol. And we all know exercise is good so laugh and laugh some more. Give your tickle bone a good work out.
Everyone has different senses of humor. I am very kiddish and I like humor that you can find on kiddie shows, movies, series. So go look up George Lopez, Bob Smiley, Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff Dunham, Dane Cook.... or whoever you like to watch and get out a good laugh. There are so many great comedians out there. Find some you like and go for it.
Knock knock
Whos there
Seal who?
Seal you tomorrow ......(Seal = see all )
haha ok not the best one but it is my own lol.
Todays Challege: I want you to go find a joke you like. Tell a friend, write it down or just enjoy the joke in itself. Or go look up a fun comedian and laugh. Today I just want you to Laugh!
~Hugs Keyria~
A joyful heart is good medicine, a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov. 17:22
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter,and your lips with shouting. Job 8:21
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