#14 Write
I know I mentioned this under hobbies but outside of hobbies this can help. Write down what I was talking about before:

Why are you stressing?
What caused it?
What were you doing?
How were you feeling?
How do you feel now?
What can you do to avoid that? What day is it?
What time is it?
And so forth...
Writing can not only help you remember things but it also can help in case you forget something you have it written down and can go back to remember. Also if you can’t explain it outloud others can read what is going on and understand. Also write down your stresses and concerns. Sometimes it helps to see it on paper and then work out the problem.
Writing also is good at documenting something that later you need to refer to. Or Writing down facts that are needed. You write to remember dates of events, phone numbers, and birthdays.
But most of all if you are stressed it is best to write down your feelings. Get it out, let you see why you are stressed, how you are stressed, and possibly may give you an idea to how not to stress. (Maybe writing can be your stress free main sourse.)
Today's Challenge: Go out and write in a notebook how you felt today. Don't hold back but be honest on how you feel. Write what all happened good and bad. Then keep going from there. Let today be your first day of writing.
Like I said it is always good to have a notebook to write. Besides where would we be if no one had ever written? I know artists lol

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.”
–Richard Bach
“I admire anybody who has the guts to write anything at all.” –E. B. White, author of Charlotte’s Web
"Life is like a writers pen, you never know where the tip will end!" -Kristina Hollon, writer and author
~Hugs Keyria~
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength ~ Phillipians 4:13
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