The first three stress Free methods I gave yesterday, so look at the blog before for those three. Todays strees free method is one I would like everyone to try.
#4 Change of activity
Sometimes we stress because of the action we are doing. We just need to change how we are doing the activity or change the activity all together. Changing the activity can help with your health as well. Imagine if everytime you were to get on a stage to sing a song you would have a panic attack. This caused you to start gasping for air, and then you faint. Each time you get on stage the same out come would happen. So the problem is being up on the stage. So what if you were to change the activity a bit. Maybe change the act a bit. Instead of being on the stage use puppets and be the voice over, or have your focus on something instead of the crowd. Maybe even sit in the audience and then sing when it was your turn. This would shock the audience that you were part of the act. Maybe even try singing offstage... if these dont work maybe singing on a stage is not for you. Maybe try something differnt, like teaching others to sing, singing in a studio, singing for just friends and family or even singing and video taping it and placing it up on the net.
#4 Change of activity
Sometimes we stress because of the action we are doing. We just need to change how we are doing the activity or change the activity all together. Changing the activity can help with your health as well. Imagine if everytime you were to get on a stage to sing a song you would have a panic attack. This caused you to start gasping for air, and then you faint. Each time you get on stage the same out come would happen. So the problem is being up on the stage. So what if you were to change the activity a bit. Maybe change the act a bit. Instead of being on the stage use puppets and be the voice over, or have your focus on something instead of the crowd. Maybe even sit in the audience and then sing when it was your turn. This would shock the audience that you were part of the act. Maybe even try singing offstage... if these dont work maybe singing on a stage is not for you. Maybe try something differnt, like teaching others to sing, singing in a studio, singing for just friends and family or even singing and video taping it and placing it up on the net.
"My friend loves going to the ocean. She finds so much pleasure in it. It calms her nerves and feels her with joy. The best part of it she says is going on a boat to go see the whales. She is up front with the wind in her hair as the boat bounces above the waves. However I am not calm wth the water. I get so nervous when I am on the boat. So nervous that after we get off I am usually sick. My stress level peaks while being out in the ocean. My friend is amazing though. She wants to make me happy so to help me change our activity of going to see whales, we go to the beach and just rest near the shore on the rocks. Then we go to the museums and watch videos on the whales. I know that she would rather be out there on the shore but she knows my nerves wont allow it. So we have redirected our activity to do other activites that are just as fun. We now not only go to the beach but we have time to go do other stuff. The last time we were up near the oceean we watched in 3D a movie about Sea Monsters. It was amazing and we didnt have to have bonoculars to go see them." ~Sean
Adam loved playing sports especially football but his leg had been injured during a game. This caused him not to be able to play the sports he loved. He didn’t like the idea of this so he would try to sneak out and play with friends against the wishes of his parents and doctors. This made his leg even more hurt. Adam couldn’t imagine not being able to play a sport. For treatment on his leg he had to do water therapy. As he was in the pool one day his friends came over and said “This is great!!! “ “What is great?” Asked Adam. “You know what kind of sports we can do in the water?” Adam never thought of switching over to water and he still would be doing water therapy. The rules of games changed to accommodate his leg injury. This was so that no one could swim on top or on accidently hurt his leg. Instead of being on a field playing foot ball they were in the water playing volleyball. Adams leg got better and as it did he was able to do more things. The redirected his games from outside the pool to inside it. He never did sneak out to play with his friend for they were all there in the pool with him.
Todays challenge: What ways can you redirect the activity causing you stress? Or what can you do instead? Make a list then try one of them.
Ready for #5? Come back tomorrow to find out what it is.
~Hugs Keyria~
He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Todays challenge: What ways can you redirect the activity causing you stress? Or what can you do instead? Make a list then try one of them.
Ready for #5? Come back tomorrow to find out what it is.
~Hugs Keyria~
He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
~Proverbs 21:21 ~
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