In our world it is hard to grasp what is real and what is not. What is achievable and what is unavailable to achieve. We sit there and dream more we do when we apply. We sit and say if I can only just win the lotterey then I could have everything I ever wanted... It would be nice if that were to happen but to be honest not many get to have that fantasy become reality. So most of us have to work for what we want. We cant wiggle our nose, blink our eyes, point a finger or even touch a picture and suddenly it appears. It is not that simple.
We live in a world that is confusing. It says you can have whatever you want... than in tiny print aka fine lettering it says restrictions may apply, batteries not included. We try to please others but we need to realize that fantasy and reality are two seperate things. Sometimes they can merge but it is highly unlikely that it will happen....
Todays reality was there was a blog to be posted. My fantasy that it would be perfectly posted this morning with no problems. That I would have all my goals finished by the end of the day. But unfortunately reality took ahold. I ended up not getting the blog posted until late because of a friend that was in need of some help, errands to run and health problems that decided to occur.
I may dream for that perfect house, backyard, car, mate, children, job, money, etc. It is a nice dream but dont consume yourself into it. If it happens be greatful but if it doesn't don't stress about it. Somethings come easy others come harder. We have to practice those harder things to make perfect.
Our fantasy: All goals achieved succesfully
Our reality: Goals are in progress, daily life stressors needing to overcome.
As one reader wrote: Be content with what you have. Take small steps to get to our goals. ~T
Don't go to fast for you may fall and miss something important. So take your time, be strong and you will succeed remember the story of the turtle and the hare?
Todays Challenge: See if you can find the difference of reality vrs fantasy in your goals right now.
~Hugs Keyria~
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
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