#28 Read
I love to read. I love that you can actually get into a book and feel as if you were someone else for a while. How you can actually become that person you feel what they feel as you read their life. You become that character yourself and you relate to the character. Reading is a past time that most find very relaxing.
When I was little I would read alot! I loved all the different books. However as I got older I stopped reading and more stress came into my life. I started to read again and the stress lowered. Whenever I start to stress I sit down on my couch grab a good book and blanket and start to read. I became a different person. Then when I have read a chapter I get back up and start to refocus on what it was that I was having trouble with. Normally I fix it as if I never had the problem after I read. ~Mel Smith
There are many books out there: mystery, sci-fi, romance, childrens, comics, self-help, biography's, etc. There are different books for different people. Not everyone likes the same things, not everyone will relax to a book about romance, some will relax to a book about how to beat a video game, how to fix up old cars, how to play the piano and more. You have to go and check out the books yourself to see what will relax you. Maybe you like the how to books, or magazines about clothes, maybe you are a child at heart and love the children books.
When I was little I enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss and now as I am older I still do. I see more of wisdom in his words and not just fun sayings as before. Dr. Seuss books are amazing you can enjoy them all through life. Mark Twain did a great job on Tom Sawyer, and the Adventures of Huck Finn, and Robin Jones Gunn was wonderful in doing books for all ages, children, teens (Christy miller series) and adults (SisterChicks). Of course then there is the greatest book of all (to me that is) Called the Bible. I look up to these authors. Their joy for writing, where it came from and how I could get it. I love to write but when I can not write, I enjoy reading. ~Kristina Hollon
I could feel the seamist breeze of the ocean as I watched the sea gulls fly above me. I looked back out at the gentle waves. Oh how the sun glimmered across the water. I dug my toes deeper into the wet sand and wiggled them around a bit. It felt good. How I wish I could stay here forever in this moment. I wonder what it would be like to live out there in such a different world. I looked down at the sand all around me. There was a few shells near by, but not many. I knew where to go if I wanted shells instead in fact it just amazed me that right here was not hardly any shells but not more then a few steps away over the rocks was another sanded rocky beach that had lots of shells. Not many people knew of this place. Nor was I about to spill my secret to them. It was my hiding place. Oh what a perfect hiding place it was. No one around to bu
You can find yourself in new wonderful places you have never been before if you open a book and begin to read. In fact alot of movies out now a days are originally from books or made into books. I am sure you can name a few like Twighlight series, Harry potter series, Lord of the Rings, Notebook, A Walk to Remember...the list can go on for hours.
Reading can also help you to expand your knowledge, learn something new, try something new, and live outside of the box for a bit. Turn your world upside down for a bit. Be an adventure, become involved in a mystery, fight for justice, become a princess rescued by a prince. Enjoy a good laugh, cry, a learned lesson from the moral. Just like the tale of Despereaux, the little mouse begins to read and learns how to be a gentleman and more, from reading a book and putting it to life.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities. ~Dr. Seuss: US author & illustrator (1904 - 1991~)
Today's Challenge: Go read a book. Take a chapter a day. Find a fun book that looks interesting and start to read. It can be a story, a biography, a how to, mystery, or anything else that catches your eyes. Just go out and read a book. Have a little imagination today.
~Hugs Keyria~
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, & he shall meditates day & night ~Psalms 1:2~
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