"Hang in there. It wont be much longer." Josh, a blonde hair blue eye lad said. He was near the same age as her and was all dressed in a nice pant and shirt. She smiled weary at him. He chuckled. Josh was the son of the family that took her in. They had met her

Suddenly a wiff of the most tasty aroma hit the air and onto her tounge. She looked up to see Chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, and more being brought out to the table. Martha's eyes widen as she looked at all the food. She had never seen so much of it before. She had seen parts of a chicken that was left but never a whole one. She couldn't take her eyes off the food. This had to have been the happiest day of her life.
#23 Have a good meal
I have heard it said "A way to a man's heart is through food." It is true. It pleases him. He becomes happy and satisfied. Have you noticed that if you are stressed out you tend to go out to eat. This helps lower the stress level of cooking a meal. Then you tend to eat something you enjoy and it seems to take the edge off things. This may not be a complete way to cancel the stress but it does lower the stress.
"Eat something you are going to enjoy eating. Whether it is a home cooked meal or a out to eat restaurant. Indulge in something that will fill those taste buds with pleasure. Or skip the meal and just indulge in a desert. Sometimes all we need is that sweet taste and we are more relaxed." ~Janelle
Tip: Dark Chocolate has been known to bring out the happiness in you. So, go ahead and have that apple a day..... but make sure you ask for it to be dipped in dark chocolate lol.
"Eat something you are going to enjoy eating. Whether it is a home cooked meal or a out to eat restaurant. Indulge in something that will fill those taste buds with pleasure. Or skip the meal and just indulge in a desert. Sometimes all we need is that sweet taste and we are more relaxed." ~Janelle
Tip: Dark Chocolate has been known to bring out the happiness in you. So, go ahead and have that apple a day..... but make sure you ask for it to be dipped in dark chocolate lol.
Todays Challenge: Have a piece of dark chocolate!
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!~ Psalm 119:103
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