"Mmmm Coffeeeee" "No way SODA is the best!" "You both wish. Pixie stix are the best" Melanie, Kindra, and Josie were all sitting in a circle talking about thier biggest crave and which was the best. "Pixie stix?" Melanie asked sarcastically? "Yes, Pixie stix. Have you ever heard of it?" Josie asked back sarcastically. "Isn't that the candy that is basically just sugar? It comes in a small tube and is all different colors?" Kindra asked. Both Josie and Melanie nodded their heads. "Oh I love that candy. Ooh now I want that and soda" Kindra said. Both Melanie and Josie started to laugh. Kindra joined in.
#25 Avoid addictive activities
Ok most of us love getting either coffee, soda or candy. We love the way it taste and we become addictive to it. Sugary items are definitely not healthy for us to have a lot of. Yet we all have a lot of it and before we know it, we are out of control with it. How can coffee, soda, candy or whatever it is you are addicted to get out of control? Glad you asked, lets look at soda:

If you live in America most if not all have tried soda at least once. Those of us that drink soda usually start off slow and have a soda every now and then. However soon we start to have soda once a day. That once a day soda then turns into three times a day. Later on it turns into seven times a day and so forth. Or the soda may stay at three times a day but now we start using a bigger cup then before. Ok, so we drink alot of soda. No biggie right? Wrong, It wouln't be a biggie if you were not addicted but since you are then there is a problem. WHY? Glad you asked again:
#25 Avoid addictive activities
Ok most of us love getting either coffee, soda or candy. We love the way it taste and we become addictive to it. Sugary items are definitely not healthy for us to have a lot of. Yet we all have a lot of it and before we know it, we are out of control with it. How can coffee, soda, candy or whatever it is you are addicted to get out of control? Glad you asked, lets look at soda:
If you live in America most if not all have tried soda at least once. Those of us that drink soda usually start off slow and have a soda every now and then. However soon we start to have soda once a day. That once a day soda then turns into three times a day. Later on it turns into seven times a day and so forth. Or the soda may stay at three times a day but now we start using a bigger cup then before. Ok, so we drink alot of soda. No biggie right? Wrong, It wouln't be a biggie if you were not addicted but since you are then there is a problem. WHY? Glad you asked again:
We are so addicted to these items that we cant handle being without them. And when a health issue or some other reason arrives that says "Sorry you cant have that anymore." We become angry, aggravated, irritated, annoyed and so forth. Not fun to be around and we are very upset that we start to stress.
I know a person that is so addicted to sodas that if they don’t have their sodas they get really bad Migranes. They also become very cranky until they have thier next soda. Migranes, emotions are your body fighting the withdrawal of the addiction. Though these are small addictions they can lead into more unhealthier addictions like Drugs and alcohol. Some can even skip the small and go straight into addictions that are more harmful then just a migrane.
You can have these items however do so in a appropriate manner. Take notice to how much you consume. I know a person that does a journal. She writes all the foods, drinks, and activities she did that day. She says this helps her monitor her addictions.
Did you know activities other then eating and drinking can be addictive? I am not just talking the typical drugs or smoking but other activities. Some run to get healthy, others run cause that is an addictive behavior for them. It gets thier adrenaline going. Some use not eating and become very unhealthy. They stress thier own body out by doing this. Some get so addicted to the television set they forget thier reality and the television series become thier reality.
I know a person that is so addicted to sodas that if they don’t have their sodas they get really bad Migranes. They also become very cranky until they have thier next soda. Migranes, emotions are your body fighting the withdrawal of the addiction. Though these are small addictions they can lead into more unhealthier addictions like Drugs and alcohol. Some can even skip the small and go straight into addictions that are more harmful then just a migrane.
You can have these items however do so in a appropriate manner. Take notice to how much you consume. I know a person that does a journal. She writes all the foods, drinks, and activities she did that day. She says this helps her monitor her addictions.
Did you know activities other then eating and drinking can be addictive? I am not just talking the typical drugs or smoking but other activities. Some run to get healthy, others run cause that is an addictive behavior for them. It gets thier adrenaline going. Some use not eating and become very unhealthy. They stress thier own body out by doing this. Some get so addicted to the television set they forget thier reality and the television series become thier reality.
Some love drama and they gossip just to have that drama in thier lives it is a addictive behaviour, Some prepare for a concert so much that winning is all they care about and forget their friends this is an addictive behaviour, Some lie so much they forgot the truth this is an addictive behaviour, Some what to look the best that they stress thier bodies and some love money so much that if you don't help them succeed with that then they have no want or use to be your friend. These are a few of addictive activities.....What is yours??
We have to watch what we do and only do it in moderation. Be aware of our surroundings, our actions, and our consumption. Alot of us become to addicted to something that we forget about our life. By doing this we stess us, our bodies, and our family and friends out.
Todays Challenge: What are you addicted to? Is it soda? Coffee? Candy? Money? Shopping? Your challenge is to give it up for a whole day. If you love to play video games for one day you are not allowed to play them, love to shop, for one day dont shop. It may be hard because you are addicted if it is not then try something more challenging give it up for a week. See how well you do. If you become upset, cranky or irratible try having a friend help you out or take and make substitutions. You cant shop but you can go window shopping, you can play a game about shopping. Try Super Poke Pets, or Petville both are shopping and decorating. Can't drink soda then try lemonaide or punch. Can't have candy try a fruit it is just as sweet. Good luck.
We have to watch what we do and only do it in moderation. Be aware of our surroundings, our actions, and our consumption. Alot of us become to addicted to something that we forget about our life. By doing this we stess us, our bodies, and our family and friends out.
Todays Challenge: What are you addicted to? Is it soda? Coffee? Candy? Money? Shopping? Your challenge is to give it up for a whole day. If you love to play video games for one day you are not allowed to play them, love to shop, for one day dont shop. It may be hard because you are addicted if it is not then try something more challenging give it up for a week. See how well you do. If you become upset, cranky or irratible try having a friend help you out or take and make substitutions. You cant shop but you can go window shopping, you can play a game about shopping. Try Super Poke Pets, or Petville both are shopping and decorating. Can't drink soda then try lemonaide or punch. Can't have candy try a fruit it is just as sweet. Good luck.
~Hugs Keyria~
For in that day every one of you will reject the idols of silver and gold your sinful hands have made. Isaiah 31:7
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