"Hahaha that is great do it again of on of on of on!" Tabitha said to her older sister Danielle. Her older sister was making her laugh as she turned on and off the lights to make a strobe look for her. "haha I love it. I wish it could do that all the time." Danielle turned on the lights full and left them there as she went over to her bed. "O.K time for us to do homework." She said and pulled out her workbook. Tabitha giggled then calmed down. Tabitha got up went over to the lights and started to flicker them on and off. "Come on Tabby we had fun lets do our homework before mother yells at us." But Tabby kept going. She giggled and giggled. Then she stopped the lights went off and there was no sound. "Tabby?" Danny said confused. She could barely make out the form near the light switch. "Turn on the lights" but the form didnt move. Danielle got up and moved slowly to the lights. Her sister still didn't move. "Tabby, are you ok?" She said as she turned ont he lights. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Her sister screamed at the top of her lungs. danielle got scared. Something was wrong. "Turn them Offfff!!!! Tabitha screamed. Danielle could see the tears coming from her sisters eyes. She shut off the lights quickly. Tabitha was still making noises but she wasn't screaming. "What is going on?" Danielle asked after a while of waiting with her sister in the dark. "My head hurts" Tabitha said through the sobs. Right then Danielle understood...Migrane. "lets get you to the bed. Lets lie down and relax you can see the glowing stars on our cielings it will relax you because it is not to bright. I will go get mother for her to help with meds." Danielle got Tabitha into bed and went and got her mother. As her mother talked to her they realized the flickering lights were fun at first but then they caused a migrane on tabby and that wasn't fun. Her head was hurting when they first started but because Danielle kept stopping it was slowly becoming intense. Then with Tabby she kept going which caused it to peak. After sleep and her medication Tabitha felt better. But to be on the safe side they lowered all the lights and made it a calm setting house for her.
#24 Lower the lights
You know how when you have a migraine you can’t handle sound or light. Well to relax yourself you turn off or lower them both. We do this cause it causes more of a relaxed calm setting. This helps wtih the pain we have to lower itself or vanish completely. In this same way we can relax by doing the same. We feel at ease after we lower the lights.
Bright lights are good for certain activities but we lower the lights for alot. I like to watch movies but I dont like bright lights in the room. It draws away from the movie and distracts me. It makes me to focused of what I may need to do around me then for me to relax. So if I lower, dim, or shut the lights off and watch a movie. I am more relaxed and focused on the movies. -Jim
The only bright light I want to see is Jesus Christ. There are so many bright lights that they do give headaches. You walk into a store and thier lights are on so bright that you are blinded and want to leave as quickly as possible. I tend to shop in a low light setting stores. I like when they have one light on one light off throughout the store. For one it feels like they are saving energy and for two it is not so bright that it hurts me. Usually they tend to be the smaller stores. It does help cause if you want to draw attention to a paticular selling items you can use a light right there and it drowns out what you may not want to be noticed around it. But dont think it will drown out all things. When I go into a dim lighted store I want to stay in there longer checking everything out and seeing what I want whereas when I go into a bright light store I may quickly walk out or I may try to grab what I want really fast and then run out. (of course I pay for it first). -Amy
I like when the lights are low or off because you get to see more light! What I mean by that is we just had fireworks for the Fourth of July. If we did it during the day it just would not look as nice but at night it looks wonderful. At Christmas we use lights to decorate our houses. During the day they are not much to look at but at night they are bueatiful and we have gone to a black light mini golf. It is dark but bright on the course. It is neat to see these things. Had the lights been on brights we would not see them to thier full potential. -Chris
I love candles. I use them to unwind at the end of the day. Instead of having on all the lights I put on a candle. Read a book and just injoy. Besides candles are very romantic and what girl does not like romance? -Elaine
Bright lights, Low lights, no lights. It is amazing how a light can affect us in different ways:
- No lights makes us want to sleep
- low lights we are at eased (typically romantic, relaxed or stress free)
- Bright lights is more for having fun (waterpark, concerts here we come!)
~Hugs Keyria~
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
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