Friday, July 30, 2010
Happy Birthday To you
You have to order the supplies, rent a place or prepare a place (if you plan on doing it outside of your home. Put up streamers, banners, balloons, confetti. Not to mention all the food that goes into preparing for it.
Well tomorrow I think I am going to do a blog about birthdays as of today. I have a very special birthday for me to get ready. My brothers!!
My goal for today is my brothers birthday... So I would like for all of you to go wish him a Happy Birthday.... Go to his site: and wish him a very special happy birthday.
Todays Challenge: Take today off. You worked hard this pass week. Today is an off day. Unless you have a fun goal that you want to do such as a mini vaccation, a birthday bash needed to get ready, or a paper due.
~Hugs Keyria~
Thursday, July 29, 2010
How did you do on your challenge? Were you able to save a few dollars? What about do a few things around the house? Were you able to complete a goal?
My friend had a goal of signing up for classes at a college and for applying to a job. That was his goal for this week. Two small achievable goals. He went and got the application but that was it. The rest of days he just worked and rested at home. I decided I would help him finish the goals.
So I told him I wanted to hang out this afternoon. From 2 to 6pm. I told him we had some errands to run and his reward would me treating him out to eat. Lol Men and thier stomachs :)That gave me time in the morning to do some of my own goals (taking meds, cleaning, and doing other chores).
He showed up around 2 and we went straight to the college. We went in and found out what classes he needed and which ones were open. We then proceeded to fill out the paper work and get a councelors signature and sign up for classes :)
I was excited to see that he was able to get into one of the classes he really wanted to be in. Especially since most classes were full right now. He did sign up for a class under waitlisted. I was happy to see that it was not waitlist full either.
From there I helped him fill out the application and then turned it into where the drop off was.
Surprisingly he treated me to a quick look around the zoo. (I love animals) and then I took him to go eat.
I just walked throught he door not to long ago and finished getting my laundry together for tomorrows goal.
It was really nice to have a friend to go do things with. I know he was happy. He told me that I completed him. He means that without me going with him he may not have gotten these goals done today. This worked for me, I needed a break from my goals and wanted to visit with a friend. We both had a good day and both achieved goals.
The reason why todays was more of a journal entry is because I want you to see that you can achieve goals and still have fun doing so. Goals do not have to be stressful.
My friend kept pushing them off which would cause them to be stressful come the deadline. Instead we took a day that normally we would have gone to the movies or just goofed off and used it to achieve goals... plus we squeezed in fun with food and going to the zoo.
We made the goals into a fun day!
Ok Now your turn. Write me and tell me what goals you finished this week...or made progress on. It doesnt have to be fully achieved even if you just moved and only unpacked one box that is an achievement in itself.
I will try and post pics of some of my goals that happened last week for you during this week
Cant wait to hear from you!!!
~Hugs Keyria~
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"~Phillipians 4:13
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Check up#1
How are we doing? Are we still doing good? How is that fifteen minutes a day? I hope it is going well. Remember don't loose hope or give up. Even if you slip up and missed the 15minutes. It is ok. Just start again. We all make mistakes and if we all gave up on the first try then we would proably not succeed at much. That is why we have sayings like:
If at first you don't succeed, try try again- This I hear a lot!
Never say never whatever you do - Course that is from a song
It is better to have tried and failed then to have failed to try -learned this one from my parent
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try- I like this one it reminds me of the "You will never know if you dont ask, dont do, dont try"
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need- this one is true. I mean there are many times we go for something and something else happens that is better for us
Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try - If you don't try then you will never know At least that is what I always say.
If you trust before you try, you may repent before you die- I like this one. I think it is a Proverbs quote
Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the things you can think up if only you try! - Can't leave out a Dr. Suess quote.
As you can see there are many encouraging things about trying. Focus on your goal and keep trying! If you want write 15 good reasons why you want to achieve your gaol and then post them up to remind you everyday. Write 15 nice encouraging quotes and post them up as well.
*I am unsure of who all the quotes belong to above. I have heard them from time to time or have found them off of a book, mag or other. *
~Hugs Keyria~
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Random: WEEK
The reason Why I want to do it for a week is so you can see the difference 15 minutes can make.
If you are cleaning 15 minutes a day by the end of the week you are going to see a big opening in your room all because of 15minues. If you can expand do 15 minutes in more then one room or try doing 15 minutes more than once a day. It is the same concept in exercising. You are to do 30 minutes three times a day.
Or if you are saving since I know we all dont get paychecks throughout the week I want you to try something. I still want you to put 15dollars into a bank account each check but for this week I want to show you how much 7 checks will get you. But instead of putting dollars into a bank throughout this week. (other then the actual paychecks) I want you to put 15 cents into a jar. From today until next friday. I want you to do this each day dont count it. just place it in. I know some of us are math wiz and can already know the answer to how much it is going to be on friday. this is just to show you how much you could save if you were placing it in each paycheck. Remember this would be savings for not a week but for almost two months made into one week of savings.
Whatever your goal is try and do 15 each day this week.
I once read a card that said:
You can do it!
Yes you can!
Just ask me your biggest fan!
Step right in and dont be afraid.
If I know you, you have it made.
Trust in yourself!
Just wait and see,
how proud of you we are all going to be.
~Hugs Keyria~
"We love Him because He first loved us." 1 John 4:9-10
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Random Challenge: 15
Lets say your goal is cleaning your room. Take 15 min and pick up all the pieces of garbage you see laying around, or sort through clothes throwing dirty into the hamper and clean onto hangers. Or if your goal is to clean any other room take 15 minutes and work on one area.
Maybe your goal is to save money. Take the next pay check you have and take 15 dollars out of it and put it into a separate account. Do not use that account. But each pay check put 15 dollars into it.
Maybe your goal is to do a vacation trip. You have the money and the time you just haven't sat down and done the budget up. Well today's that day. Take that 15min and start typing or writing. Look up discounts, put money aside for food, hotel, souvenirs. (We like to look for hotels that include free food like breakfast. It helps save that extra bit) Maybe look up package deals.
Maybe your goal is to have 15 min to yourself. Take that time. Go do something for you, or to a secluded area so you can have your alone time
Whatever it may be take 15
~Hugs Keyria~
Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalms118:24
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Stress Tip #30 Soft

Fur ~ Pets
Rugs ~ Carpets soft
Bed ~ Some are firm, some cushioned, some real soft
Robe ~Fluffy
Skin ~Smooth and soft
Paint ~ Liguid
Flour ~ Fun to squish through your fingers
Sand ~ Sometimes

There are quite a few things. Name three more just for fun. Those above were what people told me when they think of soft. Soft is to each person something that is normally gentle, delecate, smooth, and can be fluffy or furry.
When you wrap yourself up in a robe or blanket you feel calm, protected, comforted like if someone was hugging you. You even feel kinda lazy and just want to relax on the coutch, by a pool, or anywhere reading a book.
Soft could be the carpet that you just got on your floor. Oh how you first place you feet gently on it moving your toes back and forth. Then you start to really get into it by sitting down on it and rubbing your fingers through each twine of yarn or material used. Then you start to progress and use your whole hand until you cant help it and you are lying directly on the ground on the soft carpet.

A person skin can be soft and smooth however it can also be hard and bumpy. So people use lotion which makes thier hands and body soft and smooth. Flour and some sands will feel very soft as they fall in between your fingers. As you dig your toes into the sand near on the beach watching the waves rolll in.
Soft can be running your fingers back and forth slowly and very gently into clear waters like a pool. You can feel only grace all around under the water how you move slowly and calmly. You feel the gentle movement of the waters going through yoru fingertips.
When I go to bed I like a soft matteress that I can just sink into. I like how gentle it is on my body. It usually forms into my position. I love also how my cat will lay with me all cuddled up as I gently stroke his soft hair.
Speacking of hair...It is soft and silky too. To run your fingers through your hair especially after getting a haircut. You like the style and all the stress seems to vanish as you embrace a new look.
Todays Challenge: Go get a haircut, go wrap yourself into a robe, go lay down on soft carpet or on a soft blanket. Today just feel good by being around soft things :)
~Hugs Keyria~
"Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near." Philippians 4:5
Friday, July 16, 2010
Remember A Time
~Hugs Keyria~
Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Psalms 37:3-6
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Stress Tip #29 Two day blog day 2
In our world it is hard to grasp what is real and what is not. What is achievable and what is unavailable to achieve. We sit there and dream more we do when we apply. We sit and say if I can only just win the lotterey then I could have everything I ever wanted... It would be nice if that were to happen but to be honest not many get to have that fantasy become reality. So most of us have to work for what we want. We cant wiggle our nose, blink our eyes, point a finger or even touch a picture and suddenly it appears. It is not that simple.
We live in a world that is confusing. It says you can have whatever you want... than in tiny print aka fine lettering it says restrictions may apply, batteries not included. We try to please others but we need to realize that fantasy and reality are two seperate things. Sometimes they can merge but it is highly unlikely that it will happen....
Todays reality was there was a blog to be posted. My fantasy that it would be perfectly posted this morning with no problems. That I would have all my goals finished by the end of the day. But unfortunately reality took ahold. I ended up not getting the blog posted until late because of a friend that was in need of some help, errands to run and health problems that decided to occur.
I may dream for that perfect house, backyard, car, mate, children, job, money, etc. It is a nice dream but dont consume yourself into it. If it happens be greatful but if it doesn't don't stress about it. Somethings come easy others come harder. We have to practice those harder things to make perfect.
Our fantasy: All goals achieved succesfully
Our reality: Goals are in progress, daily life stressors needing to overcome.
As one reader wrote: Be content with what you have. Take small steps to get to our goals. ~T
Don't go to fast for you may fall and miss something important. So take your time, be strong and you will succeed remember the story of the turtle and the hare?
Todays Challenge: See if you can find the difference of reality vrs fantasy in your goals right now.
~Hugs Keyria~
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Stress Free Tip #29 Two day blog
"I can do this." She said to no one in particular. She made a goal to make her room into the same looking room of the one in the book. She started to clean. As she cleaned she found toys she hadn't seen in a while and would be distracted playing with them. After a while she would realize she was forgetting to clean and start to clean but get tired real soon. Weeks went by and she did try to clean but it was not going like she had expected. after a month she looked in her room. There wasn't much that changed other then the clothes were now in a pile on the floor instead of spread out. She sighed. Nothing is ever going to change.
When her mother came in she saw that Haley was down. She asked " Why the sad frown darling?" With a sigh Haley explained she wanted the princess room. She said but she can't because of the mess. Her mother smiled. "I seen you did try. So why not if we can get a hamper so you have something to throw your clothes into. And a Toy box for the toys. Lets see and we can move those there and this here..." Her mother went to work planning. She explained that even though she had ideas that meant full commitment on Haley to do as she is told.
A couple days later her room was cleaned with a new hamper and toy box. She looked at her room then at the picture then back at her room. She sighed once again as her mother came in to wish her a good night. "What is wrong dear?" Haley shrugged and turned away. Her mother looked down and saw the picture of the room. "Oh that is a pretty room. Still I like yours better." Haley squished up her face. There was so much more to do. She had to paint, get fancy dresses, a rug, chandelier and more. Oh why couldn't her mother see this isn't even close to a princess room. Her mother seeing her daughter disappointed still kissed her forehead. "When I was younger I wanted to have a pony. I had to have a pony. It was my dream." Haley turned and looked at her mom. Her eyes were now in wonder. Her mother wanted a pony? That is silly where was she supposed to keep it? She had seen her grandmas house where her mom grew up. There was no room inside or out for a pony.
"I wanted it sooo bad. I didn't understand the reality of my situation. I never asked myself: Where would I keep my pony and who would care, clean, feed and pick up after it and how could I afford it." I was to busy dreaming of having a pony that I never thought about those things. Your grandma got me a stuffed horse for my birthday, a rocking horse and a tkt to the fairgrounds to go ride the ponies. As much as those were wonderful gifts I was not happy. I wanted the real pony not a fake one. I wanted to own not just ride one." Haley's mother stopped and smiled. "It took me some time to realize what I had was wonderful. Not many kids in my class had a rocking horse of their own, nor did the get to go to the fair. Yes it would have been fun to have a horse but allot of work goes into having one and I know I would not have been prepared for it. We don't always get to have everything we want but we do get to have things and make them our own special things. I never got a pony but that birthday ended up being one of the funnest birthdays I ever had. Everyone wanted to come over and play at my house with the rocking horse, my friends were all jealous I got to ride on a pony and everyone believed I was a true cowgirl. I believed it too. I didn't have to own a horse for that."
Haley looked at her book. She sighed again. "I just wanted to be a princess" she said softly. "But you are. You are my princess!" She looked at her mother and smiled. She sat up and hugged her.
"You know, I think I have a crystal ornament we can hang from the wall to make into the chandelier, and that pink rug at the store would go good with the pink paint we found for your walls. And I was thinking maybe we can invite a few of your friends to come over and help put glitter on your walls. What do you think?" Haley's eyes widened and excitedly she said "Mom I love you! You are the best. You are my Queen and I am your princess. This is going to be better then that princess room." Her mom stood up and started to go for the door. "You know I was going to save these for your birthday in two days but I think you might want to see how they will look now." Her mother left the room for a second then came back with some wrapped boxes. "Go ahead open them up" Haley started to unwrap the three boxes in front of her. Each box had two princess dresses in them. Her mother hung them up in her closet then kissed her night. As Haley was lying she stared into her closet. The nightlight glow made a soft glow around the dresses. Haley fell asleep peacefully.
Todays challenge: What do you think this story is about that could help us to be stress free? leave a comment or email me. I just want you to enjoy the story today and tomorrow I am going to discuss the tip.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Stress Free Tip #28 Read
#28 Read
I love to read. I love that you can actually get into a book and feel as if you were someone else for a while. How you can actually become that person you feel what they feel as you read their life. You become that character yourself and you relate to the character. Reading is a past time that most find very relaxing.
When I was little I would read alot! I loved all the different books. However as I got older I stopped reading and more stress came into my life. I started to read again and the stress lowered. Whenever I start to stress I sit down on my couch grab a good book and blanket and start to read. I became a different person. Then when I have read a chapter I get back up and start to refocus on what it was that I was having trouble with. Normally I fix it as if I never had the problem after I read. ~Mel Smith
There are many books out there: mystery, sci-fi, romance, childrens, comics, self-help, biography's, etc. There are different books for different people. Not everyone likes the same things, not everyone will relax to a book about romance, some will relax to a book about how to beat a video game, how to fix up old cars, how to play the piano and more. You have to go and check out the books yourself to see what will relax you. Maybe you like the how to books, or magazines about clothes, maybe you are a child at heart and love the children books.
When I was little I enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss and now as I am older I still do. I see more of wisdom in his words and not just fun sayings as before. Dr. Seuss books are amazing you can enjoy them all through life. Mark Twain did a great job on Tom Sawyer, and the Adventures of Huck Finn, and Robin Jones Gunn was wonderful in doing books for all ages, children, teens (Christy miller series) and adults (SisterChicks). Of course then there is the greatest book of all (to me that is) Called the Bible. I look up to these authors. Their joy for writing, where it came from and how I could get it. I love to write but when I can not write, I enjoy reading. ~Kristina Hollon
I could feel the seamist breeze of the ocean as I watched the sea gulls fly above me. I looked back out at the gentle waves. Oh how the sun glimmered across the water. I dug my toes deeper into the wet sand and wiggled them around a bit. It felt good. How I wish I could stay here forever in this moment. I wonder what it would be like to live out there in such a different world. I looked down at the sand all around me. There was a few shells near by, but not many. I knew where to go if I wanted shells instead in fact it just amazed me that right here was not hardly any shells but not more then a few steps away over the rocks was another sanded rocky beach that had lots of shells. Not many people knew of this place. Nor was I about to spill my secret to them. It was my hiding place. Oh what a perfect hiding place it was. No one around to bu
You can find yourself in new wonderful places you have never been before if you open a book and begin to read. In fact alot of movies out now a days are originally from books or made into books. I am sure you can name a few like Twighlight series, Harry potter series, Lord of the Rings, Notebook, A Walk to Remember...the list can go on for hours.
Reading can also help you to expand your knowledge, learn something new, try something new, and live outside of the box for a bit. Turn your world upside down for a bit. Be an adventure, become involved in a mystery, fight for justice, become a princess rescued by a prince. Enjoy a good laugh, cry, a learned lesson from the moral. Just like the tale of Despereaux, the little mouse begins to read and learns how to be a gentleman and more, from reading a book and putting it to life.
I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities. ~Dr. Seuss: US author & illustrator (1904 - 1991~)
Today's Challenge: Go read a book. Take a chapter a day. Find a fun book that looks interesting and start to read. It can be a story, a biography, a how to, mystery, or anything else that catches your eyes. Just go out and read a book. Have a little imagination today.
~Hugs Keyria~
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, & he shall meditates day & night ~Psalms 1:2~
Monday, July 12, 2010
Poem Time
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Stress Free Tip #27 Fish Tanks
"Time to get ready for bed." Thier mother said as she entered the room. "Can Kalvin do a sleep over again?" The kids had seperate rooms and at night Kalvin would sneak into her room to watch the fish. Thier mother found out and started to let him do sleep overs. "Kalvin would you like to stay in Kassys room tonight?" Kalvin nodded not taking his eyes off the fish tank. A smile spread across the mothers face and she started to get his bed set up in Kasandras room. At night all you could hear was the water running through the filter and see the fish swimming around. This soothed both kids and put them fast asleep.
Within a few months Kalvin had gotten a fish tank of his own. It calmed him when he felt like crying, it calmed him when he felt like screaming. The fish tank calmed him as he watched the fish swim in circles. His mother seemed to notice this helped him to think more and stay calm and relaxed more. You see before he would scream and cry all the time. In a few days they had a small fish tank in almost every room of the house.
#27 Fish Tanks
There is something magical, mystical, something just plain peaceful about fish tanks. We love to see what kind of fish are in there and we are glued to thier every move. They glide so peacefuly around in the tank. So graceful that we are at ease. There are all different kinds of fish; big, small, round, long, brightly colored, dull colored, some with long noses, some with a wave to thier movement. Yet we are all entranced into thier world of magic. We sit and wonder what it may be like to be a fish or we just enjoy the serinity of it.
There is just something about fish that makes us forget about the world around us. It eases our minds and stress.
Todays Challenge: Watch fish! Go visit a pet store and look at all the different fish, if you have your own tank watch your fish, or go online and watch a video on fish. Today just look at the fish and watch them move.
~Hugs Keyria~
But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Stress Free Tip #26 Water
Jump in the pool just to stay cool.
The water is refreshing,
an honest true blessing.
The water how it shimmers.
Oh look at all the swimmers.
They jump in, for a swim.
Grab your bathing suit, trunks & fins
then come on over and lets begain;
To have fun the sun.
#26 Water
I love water! I love to go to the ocean, lake, rivers, pools and just to watch how the water shimmers from the sunlight that hits it. I get filled with joy. In fact Incubus said my exact feelings in thier song "Wish you were here." Thier lyrics "I dig my toes into the sand. The ocean looks like a thousand diamonds strewn across a blue blanket. I lean against the wind. Pretend I am weightless and in this moment I am happy happy" is exactly how I feel.
So what are you waiting for? Go have fun with some water lol
Todays Challenge: (You have two this time)
First Drink a cup of water. Your choice of how cold warm or hot you want it to be.
Second have fun with water by: jumping into some water if you can or just got and watch it shimmer in the sun! Go to the lake, to a pool, a beach. However if you can't do any of those things set up a sprinkler go run through it or even just get the water hose and spray it on yourself. You could get friends together and go to a water park, go have water guns or even water balloon fights.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Stress Free Tip #25 Addictives
#25 Avoid addictive activities
Ok most of us love getting either coffee, soda or candy. We love the way it taste and we become addictive to it. Sugary items are definitely not healthy for us to have a lot of. Yet we all have a lot of it and before we know it, we are out of control with it. How can coffee, soda, candy or whatever it is you are addicted to get out of control? Glad you asked, lets look at soda:
If you live in America most if not all have tried soda at least once. Those of us that drink soda usually start off slow and have a soda every now and then. However soon we start to have soda once a day. That once a day soda then turns into three times a day. Later on it turns into seven times a day and so forth. Or the soda may stay at three times a day but now we start using a bigger cup then before. Ok, so we drink alot of soda. No biggie right? Wrong, It wouln't be a biggie if you were not addicted but since you are then there is a problem. WHY? Glad you asked again:
I know a person that is so addicted to sodas that if they don’t have their sodas they get really bad Migranes. They also become very cranky until they have thier next soda. Migranes, emotions are your body fighting the withdrawal of the addiction. Though these are small addictions they can lead into more unhealthier addictions like Drugs and alcohol. Some can even skip the small and go straight into addictions that are more harmful then just a migrane.
You can have these items however do so in a appropriate manner. Take notice to how much you consume. I know a person that does a journal. She writes all the foods, drinks, and activities she did that day. She says this helps her monitor her addictions.
Did you know activities other then eating and drinking can be addictive? I am not just talking the typical drugs or smoking but other activities. Some run to get healthy, others run cause that is an addictive behavior for them. It gets thier adrenaline going. Some use not eating and become very unhealthy. They stress thier own body out by doing this. Some get so addicted to the television set they forget thier reality and the television series become thier reality.
We have to watch what we do and only do it in moderation. Be aware of our surroundings, our actions, and our consumption. Alot of us become to addicted to something that we forget about our life. By doing this we stess us, our bodies, and our family and friends out.
Todays Challenge: What are you addicted to? Is it soda? Coffee? Candy? Money? Shopping? Your challenge is to give it up for a whole day. If you love to play video games for one day you are not allowed to play them, love to shop, for one day dont shop. It may be hard because you are addicted if it is not then try something more challenging give it up for a week. See how well you do. If you become upset, cranky or irratible try having a friend help you out or take and make substitutions. You cant shop but you can go window shopping, you can play a game about shopping. Try Super Poke Pets, or Petville both are shopping and decorating. Can't drink soda then try lemonaide or punch. Can't have candy try a fruit it is just as sweet. Good luck.
~Hugs Keyria~
For in that day every one of you will reject the idols of silver and gold your sinful hands have made. Isaiah 31:7
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Stress Tip #24 Dim the lights

"Hahaha that is great do it again of on of on of on!" Tabitha said to her older sister Danielle. Her older sister was making her laugh as she turned on and off the lights to make a strobe look for her. "haha I love it. I wish it could do that all the time." Danielle turned on the lights full and left them there as she went over to her bed. "O.K time for us to do homework." She said and pulled out her workbook. Tabitha giggled then calmed down. Tabitha got up went over to the lights and started to flicker them on and off. "Come on Tabby we had fun lets do our homework before mother yells at us." But Tabby kept going. She giggled and giggled. Then she stopped the lights went off and there was no sound. "Tabby?" Danny said confused. She could barely make out the form near the light switch. "Turn on the lights" but the form didnt move. Danielle got up and moved slowly to the lights. Her sister still didn't move. "Tabby, are you ok?" She said as she turned ont he lights. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Her sister screamed at the top of her lungs. danielle got scared. Something was wrong. "Turn them Offfff!!!! Tabitha screamed. Danielle could see the tears coming from her sisters eyes. She shut off the lights quickly. Tabitha was still making noises but she wasn't screaming. "What is going on?" Danielle asked after a while of waiting with her sister in the dark. "My head hurts" Tabitha said through the sobs. Right then Danielle understood...Migrane. "lets get you to the bed. Lets lie down and relax you can see the glowing stars on our cielings it will relax you because it is not to bright. I will go get mother for her to help with meds." Danielle got Tabitha into bed and went and got her mother. As her mother talked to her they realized the flickering lights were fun at first but then they caused a migrane on tabby and that wasn't fun. Her head was hurting when they first started but because Danielle kept stopping it was slowly becoming intense. Then with Tabby she kept going which caused it to peak. After sleep and her medication Tabitha felt better. But to be on the safe side they lowered all the lights and made it a calm setting house for her.
#24 Lower the lights
You know how when you have a migraine you can’t handle sound or light. Well to relax yourself you turn off or lower them both. We do this cause it causes more of a relaxed calm setting. This helps wtih the pain we have to lower itself or vanish completely. In this same way we can relax by doing the same. We feel at ease after we lower the lights.
Bright lights are good for certain activities but we lower the lights for alot. I like to watch movies but I dont like bright lights in the room. It draws away from the movie and distracts me. It makes me to focused of what I may need to do around me then for me to relax. So if I lower, dim, or shut the lights off and watch a movie. I am more relaxed and focused on the movies. -Jim
The only bright light I want to see is Jesus Christ. There are so many bright lights that they do give headaches. You walk into a store and thier lights are on so bright that you are blinded and want to leave as quickly as possible. I tend to shop in a low light setting stores. I like when they have one light on one light off throughout the store. For one it feels like they are saving energy and for two it is not so bright that it hurts me. Usually they tend to be the smaller stores. It does help cause if you want to draw attention to a paticular selling items you can use a light right there and it drowns out what you may not want to be noticed around it. But dont think it will drown out all things. When I go into a dim lighted store I want to stay in there longer checking everything out and seeing what I want whereas when I go into a bright light store I may quickly walk out or I may try to grab what I want really fast and then run out. (of course I pay for it first). -Amy
I like when the lights are low or off because you get to see more light! What I mean by that is we just had fireworks for the Fourth of July. If we did it during the day it just would not look as nice but at night it looks wonderful. At Christmas we use lights to decorate our houses. During the day they are not much to look at but at night they are bueatiful and we have gone to a black light mini golf. It is dark but bright on the course. It is neat to see these things. Had the lights been on brights we would not see them to thier full potential. -Chris
I love candles. I use them to unwind at the end of the day. Instead of having on all the lights I put on a candle. Read a book and just injoy. Besides candles are very romantic and what girl does not like romance? -Elaine
Bright lights, Low lights, no lights. It is amazing how a light can affect us in different ways:
- No lights makes us want to sleep
- low lights we are at eased (typically romantic, relaxed or stress free)
- Bright lights is more for having fun (waterpark, concerts here we come!)
~Hugs Keyria~
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Stress Free Tip #23 Have a good meal

"Hang in there. It wont be much longer." Josh, a blonde hair blue eye lad said. He was near the same age as her and was all dressed in a nice pant and shirt. She smiled weary at him. He chuckled. Josh was the son of the family that took her in. They had met her

Suddenly a wiff of the most tasty aroma hit the air and onto her tounge. She looked up to see Chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes, and more being brought out to the table. Martha's eyes widen as she looked at all the food. She had never seen so much of it before. She had seen parts of a chicken that was left but never a whole one. She couldn't take her eyes off the food. This had to have been the happiest day of her life.
#23 Have a good meal
"Eat something you are going to enjoy eating. Whether it is a home cooked meal or a out to eat restaurant. Indulge in something that will fill those taste buds with pleasure. Or skip the meal and just indulge in a desert. Sometimes all we need is that sweet taste and we are more relaxed." ~Janelle
Tip: Dark Chocolate has been known to bring out the happiness in you. So, go ahead and have that apple a day..... but make sure you ask for it to be dipped in dark chocolate lol.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Stress Free Tip #22 Grumpy and Friends
#22 Grumpy and Friends

Sure we all find Grumpy so cute on Snow White, but in this day if we saw someone else being grumpy we would not find them cute. Nor would we be happy around them. We would actually more then likely be pulled down to thier level, thier emotion.
When you smile you have a high chance of someone smiling back at you. Same goes for Grumpy when you are grumpy you can actually make othes around you just as miserable. Funny how that works. It doesn't take much to bring someone into a grumpy state either. You could say one thing wrong and hurt or offend someone. You really do have to be careful.

Grumpy (not Snow White Grumpy) has other friends. These are the ones I would try to stay away from if you can: (using nicknames)

Downer -Down
Loner- Lonely
Saddner- Sad
Angry- Angry
Whiner- whining/Complaining
Dopey (not our cute sweet hearted from Snow White) The drug user
Depress- Depression
PP- Peer Pressure
Lazy- Lazy
And a few others

Fun (funny's little sibling)
Try to only surround yourself with positive.
Todays Challenge: Watch Snow White and the 7 dwarfs. Which character best resembles you? Why? I want you to watch your actions and write them down during the day. This is so you can see your attitude during the day. Are you like happy always laughing and smiling? Or like Grumpy always seeing the bad?
~Hugs Keyria~
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23
Monday, July 5, 2010
Stress Free Tip #21 Shopping!!!!

I hope you all had a fun 4th of July. I hope you didn't spend too much on the fireworks. On with today:
One of the best ways for us to feel good is through a simple activity. It is called Shopping.
Most if not all of us LOVE to shop. It is just something fun that we can do. Wether it be to the mall where we can check out clothes, to a toy store for fun and games, Candy Store or to a electronic store for the newest video game equipment it is fun to shop.
Shopping is a good stress relief. It lets you get out your fustrations by buying something you want that may please you. However, you should be strict but have fun while shopping. What I mean is this: Be strict by putting a limit to how much you can spend. Look at your budget. If you have an extra 50 dollars only spend 20 that way you still have more for a later shopping spree, if you need it. Or if an emergency should arise you will be more prepared. Have fun as in go out to your favorite store and make a list of what you would love to have and then you can either save that 20 in a jar for those items or you can use that twenty for something else you want. You can even be silly and go buy kid toys.
They other day I was just having a really rotten day. The only bright side was at the end of the day I made 75 dollars in tips. I was going to go home and cool down since it was so hot and yucky when I thought no let me just go to the mall and walk around a bit. I went by my old favorite store that I used to go into as a kid. It had comic books, books, a few toys and odds and ends. I looked around at all the stuff I used to love as a kid. I ran across some water balloons for a dollar. Suddenly a thought came to mind. I picked up a couple of those water balloon packages and headed home. I filled up all the water balloons and stuck them into two buckets of water. I placed them at the corner of the house. I then took up three water balloons and took them out to the balcony. I then called a few of my friends over and said I wanted to take a dip in the pool and to see if they wanted to join me. A couple hours later we were all relaxing in our swimming gears when I said I needed to go get something. As they sat there they didnt know what hit them. I started a balloon fight. It was a blast. They found my stashes of water balloons downstairs and we just acted as if we were little kids again. It took the ease off of my whole day. - Micheal
I have been looking at this dress in this shop for over six months. I never bought it because I didn't have a need for it. One day I just had alot of stress being put on me. I was in the verge of tears. Anything that could go wrong did. I tried to fix it but it just got worse. Finally I gave up and was walking in the mall. When I saw the dress. I walked in and found my size. I tried it on and I just smiled. It was so pretty. I took it to the cashier and purchased my bueatiful dress I had been longing for. I quickly ran home put it on and wore it for the rest of the night. I felt so bueatiful in it that my troubles vanished. A few days later I rewore it and everyone complimented on it. It was wonderful. - Felicia

Be wise with your money. Alot of people start to spend and then they spend it all, way to fast. They start to realize that they dont have the money for what they really needed. You really do need to look at your budget first and see what you do have that you can spare. I would not suggest spending more then 1/4th or less then that of what extra you have. If you have 100 to spare spend 20 if that.
People who tend to love money to much, tend to get into trouble.
A good way of learning how to be wise is to visit: There you will find lots of tips on how to save money and to enjoy the simple things.
Challenge of today: I want you to look at your budget. See if you can spare 5 dollars, I want you then to take that 5 dollars and go by whatever you want. Maybe you like ice cream or are like me and love the dollar store. What ever it is you do have fun.
~Hugs Keyria~
Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. Proverbs 23:5
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4Th Of July
Oh No, Is it here?
I am not even ready I fear.
I forgot all about today,
In almost every way

I forgot to get the hotdog buns,
off to the store I must run
grab katchup, hotdogs, chips too
don't forget soda, and snacks ok through.
Now back to home I must clean,
wash the dishes, wheres Mr. Clean Green?
Straighten the living room, the bathroom, bedroom ok,
what is next on my list today.
All are coming good now to the mall
The perfect outfit I must wear
Yay I see sale tags everywhere
Found it! It's perfect how much does it cost
Ok well that is a few bucks now lost
Well now I am all set lets get started on the food
Oh no I forgot the fireworks, now what must I do?

Run out really fast grab the next cab
The next fireworks stand, heres pay for my tab
Run up, I am lost so much to choose
"Here is the best one, with this one you can't loose"
Run back home get changed, food is ready to go
Sit on a coutch, catch your breath, ding dong, they are starting to show.
Hi, How are you? I'm fine Thank you,
You looked stressed, how funny I felt stress too.
I would have nothing to bring to your fourth of July thing.
So I went out and grabbed all I could find
I grabbed a lot I hope you dont mind
Here is a box with decorations, one with food
One with fireworks, to put us in a happy mood.
In walks another friend, all smiles to bear
I didn't have anything, But I decided to share

My services tonight, all you do is rest
I am going to take care of everything, since I do that best
Relax, Unstress, I clean and I'll cook
I want to do this, so dont give me that look
So everything worked, I got to destress
while Jenna, and Martha cleaned up all the mess

This day was amazing, With a bueatiful sight.
Happy Fourth of July
To Everyone Now Go Have Some Pie!
Todays Challenge: BE SAFE!!! Don't stress about getting everything ready for tonight. Call some friends and see if they want to come over and help. Have a potluck so you don't have to do all the food. Have everyone pitch in to get fireworks. Just relax and enjoy the day. Today was meant to be a fun day not a rush around stress day. Watching the fireworks always calmed me, It was the best part of the day. Be safe! Happy Fourth Of July
Available from Phantom Fireworks |
And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. Genesis 1:3
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Stress Free Tip #20 To Bee Humble
Some of us cleaned the yard up, planting flowers in front of her house and mowing, raking leaves and getting rid of all the weeds. Some of us were painting her house a purplish pink light color. She had mentioned once that she would love to have her house painted that color but she was grateful for the house she had. Others had done some inside cleaning and fixing up. When we were through it looked like a new house.
The lady came back after her trip and she didn’t recognize her house. She stared at this house that was in front of her thinking this can’t be mine. But when the pastor showed up to drop off the key she realized for sure it was her own house. She asked him how it became like this at first he said he didn’t know and it must have been angels but she kept on asking so he explained that us kids needed to get some energy out. He said we were being too rowdy and he decided to calm us down. She laughed, yet had tears rolling down. She said this was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done.
Our Youth pastor said it was God who did it. God made sure all of us kids were free for those days to work on that house. Had it been a few days earlier or later a lot of the kids wouldn’t have been able to do it for many of reasons. That was the best time I had. The best part was she didn’t even know us kids.”
#20 Humble
Don't you love when you give a gift to someone to see thier smiling faces? It brings joy to your heart as well as theres. I love giving gifts. I remember there was a program called Secret Sisters and what we did was we would get a name and then send secret gifts to that person. They never knew who we were not until the end. The joy was to send something to them. For me that stuck with me. I would try and send secret gifts to others that I thought needed them as I grew up. Just the joy of knowing they are getting something they need filled me with happiness. I didn't have to be there to know thier smile. Sometimes I would hear about it later.
I once found this angel statue at a store. It was the only one and I knew exactly who I thought should have it. This lady from work is always smiling, always kind and she is an angel. It needed to be given to her. So I bought it, snuck into work early and placed it on her desk. Later that day I seen her crying. She came over to where I was and I asked if she was ok. She said "You will never believe this. My mother just passed away yesterday. I wasn't even going to leave the house today but when I walked into work and saw this bueatiful angel statue on my desk I felt better. I couldn't help but cry but a cry of calmness. Like I know she is ok. I know everything will be ok. You see my mother collected angels and the one on the desk is the last one she needed. So it just made me feel as if she where here still saying it will be ok. I dont know who placed the angel there but I really believe it was an angel themselves."
I love the smile of another person, it actually can make me smile. If you are stressed out and need a break go volunteer to help others somewhere. The smile on thier face can bring a smile on your face. Don’t do it to get credit but do it to actually help. If you do it to get credit for yourself then you can’t really understand the meaning of helping for all your focusing on is greed.
Todays Challenge: Do something for others and not so much for you. Here are a few ideas that you can do. Go to a person’s home that you know cant care for their yard very well. Ask if you can take care of it in return for some of the flowers they have growing, or do it for free. If you can get flowers take those flowers to the hospital and randomly give them to someone who is in pain. Become anonymous and give items to people that need them. Then come back and send me an email or commet below what you did or even how you
Until Tomorrow...
~Hugs Keyria~
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you ~1 Peter 5:6