Monday, May 31, 2010

The Stress Challenge: Instructions (Day 2)

Yesterday you got the first two questions:
What Symptoms did you encountered? and What were you were doing before it happened?

Are you Ready for the next question?

What time it was when it occurred:
Why would we need to know the time? This seems like an odd question right? Well actually the time that it happens could be a reason for the symptom. The best way to describe this is by looking at allergies. Some have them in the morning others at night. They are consistent to happen during the same time. This is the same as some symptoms.

Sonya was always a very perky person. But during 2pm each day during her History class she would get terrible headaches. These would make it hard to concentrate to the class. She begin to stress major and soon she was failing the class. She didn’t understand. History was her favorite subject yet here she was unable to do the in class assignments and more importantly the tests. However, her homework was always A’s. How can this happen she wondered?

One day the teacher called Sonya to class early to discuss what was going on. She explained that each time she came into the class she would get a headache and not be able to concentrate. She explained that she was stressing a lot and she didn’t understand why this was happening since she loved history. Sonya and the teacher went through options of what it could be that was causing the headaches. They checked the lights but they were the same as in each of the rooms. They checked to see if where she was sitting was causing her to be too far back to where she couldn’t see the board or hear the teacher very well but she was fine with her spot able to read perfectly and understand every word the teacher said. They figured they would find a way for her to catch up later after class, for it was five minutes to start.

Sonya went and sat down as the teacher pulled out a spray can. She started to spray around the room this air freshener and then placed the bottle back into her drawer. Within a few minutes Sonya started to feel her head begin to hurt. Within ten minutes her headache was strong. She suddenly thought could it be the air freshener? She asked the teacher if they can open the windows a small bit cause she thinks she understands why she was getting her headaches. As the time went on Sonya’s headache started to release and she was able to comprehend more. The fresh air was helping break up the air freshener.

It turns out every day her teacher would spray before the kids got there for a pleasant smelling class. Without realizing it that spray was causing Sonya’s headaches. The headaches were causing her to not be able to concentrate very well in class. Without that concentration she was failing which then lead ultimately to Sonya’s stress.

Not such an odd question when we realize that time does make an importance to situations.

Are you ready for question four? Yep you guessed it that will be for tomorrow. So keep those pens and papers handy.

Hugs and Smiles

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

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