Saturday, May 22, 2010

Goals ... Changing your Mindset

One of our problems is our mind set. In this day in age you can’t leave the house without there being advertisements, announcements, and more telling you to buy. Most try to use the word SALE for that draws people into the trap.

We can’t get away from buying and spending. It is hard to overlook those signs. However if you think about it after we buy that “Got to have item." "You will be sorry if you miss it." "You won’t be cool if you don’t own it." or "It's a one of kind need to own item.” We place them on a shelf and forget about them as they collect dust. Or maybe we do use that item but only at times and not often enough for it to be useful. We don’t realize that when we die it will be worth nothing to us. It will be a “Don’t need to have, didn’t need to buy item.” Even before we die it loses its pleasure and we want something else bigger and better. Examples: Cars you can’t settle with a older version you need the newest one, Video game systems are always trying to outdo the other and gamers try to buy them all.

Maybe your goal is not to buy something, but it is to do something. So why do you put it off? Is it because you don’t have time? Is it because you don’t have the right items?

Oh well I was feeling ill” said a boy to his mother when asked why he didn’t clean his room. Even though he said he didn’t feel good he was feeling well enough as he played video games during the time he was supposed to clean. You see it is not that we don’t want the goal to happen we do. Some call it laziness.

I once read a card that said something similar to the following: “I wrote you a long letter the other day but Mr. Wiggles decided he was hungry and ate it. So I rewrote it for you and then I spilled my coffee all over it. Again I wrote you a long letter and then it got lost. So here I have written you three letters why haven’t you written me?” Can you find something consistent with that card? If you guessed EXCUSES you are correct. We would rather not be the ones having to do goals so instead we make up "excuses" to get it out of doing so. It is a lack of responsibility.

Have you looked at how many times you make up an excuse cause you don't want to do something. See how many excuses you can catch yourself in the next week (maybe even a day).

To break the excuses we need to have a change of mindset!!!!!!

Today many view goals as a chore. They see goals as hard work that they just would rather not do. Now I am not saying every goal you set is like this, but most goals that people set are hard to do. Our mind is on what pleasures us more than what will improve us.

For example dieters would rather have that food that is forbidden by diets then to not have it. But they have to change their minds to not want it (Also known as disciplining). Many try to find this by looking in false ways. Hypnosis, mind control, clearing the mind for the soul, and some even try help from psychics. The irony of this is that they have to have an open mind that it will work. That is the same with changing your mindset. You believe instead of it just being words said.

People look for a quick, fast, and easy way to get to their goals. So what is the quick, fast, and easy way for accomplishing a goal? You will just have to wait till tomorrow to find out. :)

Keyria :-)

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