Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stress management

Oh, you didn’t think I was done did you lol. Of course not, Ok so now that we have our start let’s go on a bit. So we decided no more excuses, we are going to think positive from here on out and be patient with our results. We are trying to be realistic and not give in to our pressures. We are making substitutions for our sacrifices and having support from others. We have a long list and broke it into manageable time; we have found the first goal and begun.

Everything seems to be going good. But then ….

Jessica was out on her daily walk. She wanted to lose weight and she figured she was ready. She knew the steps to start her goal and she knew what to do to overcome it or so she thought. She had been doing this since three weeks ago. She started going for walks thirty minutes a day. She was thinking how wonderful it was that she was sticking to it. How great she was feeling. She was very excited. Sure she didn’t see the results but they would surely come in. I just have to be patient she thought. Then a phone call came in. Her walking suddenly came to a halt. “What? How?.... When?...... Where?...... Why?” As she said ok and hung up her eyes suddenly filled with tears. There had been a family emergency for her Father who came down with cancer. She wiped her tears finished her walk though it seemed to take forever. She got home and packed getting ready to go visit her Father and see what exactly needed to be done. You see it was just her and her younger sister who was still in college. Her sister had a lot of things still to do. So it was up to Jessica to step up and take the role of guardian caretaker. Jessica got to her father’s house. He was there instead of the hospital and was refusing to take his medications to help him. He refused all help from any person that was associated with the hospital.

Jessica looked around the house it was a disaster. It looked as if a twister came through and tore up the place. She sighed and started to pick up the dirty clothes lying everywhere. RING. She answered her phone again. This time it was her work saying they couldn’t approver her request to take a few days off to get her father settled because she was the only person not on vacation. “How can this be happening?” she thought. She tried to make a deal but no luck she had to be there. For the next few weeks Jessica started to commute. She went to work then back to her fathers to take care of him, clean his house and keep up on his bills that he had also been lacking to do. Another phone call came in and her sister needed her to sew her costume for the college play. Jessica apologized saying she was too busy but her sister begged and pleaded that she finally gave in. She had extra work on top of all of this reports she needed to finish and hand in each morning to her boss. Soon Jessica had lost track of how many months went by. She started to eat out almost every night bringing the fast food home. She was just too tired to cook. Her exercising was nonexistent. Gone. It had slowly faded without her realizing it.

Instead of realization of her surroundings and situation, she replaced her goal with overwhelming thoughts about what all needed to be done, Stressing about time management, and breaking down every second until she couldn’t take it anymore. There are always going to be things in your life that will slow you down from your goal. Things that you may not be able to control (especially on your own). However we can control our mind set. If we really try to that is. For Jessica that became hard because she became stressed. She let the stress control her to forget her own goals. It took hold of her.

For the next couple of days I would like to talk to you about stress and time management. How you can work around it to accomplish our goals. Stress is not easy to overcome and most of us push it aside and figure we can deal with it later only to realize that it builds and later we are unable to handle it when it decides to surface again. That is when we break down. This can be avoided with the knowledge of time management.

So I will see you tomorrow.

~ “Hugs” Keyria~

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

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