Friday, May 21, 2010

Reaching 4 Your Goals

How many times have you heard yourself saying “This time I am going to do it. This time I am going to finish what I started.” To once again find yourself repeating your actions before of not finishing what you wanted to do. Amazing everyone has once in their lives done just that. They started a goal to find out that they couldn’t finish. For many it is an ongoing struggle.

Why is that?

Why do we struggle with goals?

Most of us like the idea of the goal, but not the process of getting there, so we push the process in the back of our minds and forget about it.

For example let’s say you have been wanting to buy a new car. We know the way to achieve that goal is to save the money to get the car. However let’s say we are big on watching movies. You may tell yourself ok just this time and then I am going to stop going that way I can save. So we go to the movies this time thinking it will be our last.

Now let’s be honest with ourselves.

Can we really save the money and not go next time? What if our friend comes over and says “Hey I am so excited, that movie we have been waiting to see for four months is now out in theaters tomorrow. It is going to be amazing!” Now do you honestly think you are going to be able to say no to the movie? What about hanging out with your friend? You see there is always going to be another movie waiting around the corner. So are we going to reach our goal of buying that car with this mindset?

(continued tomorrow.... see you then) Keyria :)

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