Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Fast, Quick, Easy Goals

Quick! Fast! Easy! Those are what everyone wants when it comes to getting a goal done. We don't want to have to use more time than we have to. Often when we do the fast fix we tend to overlook things, we miss what we needed to learn in the first place, and the goal never turns out to be the way we expected it to be.

So what are these quick fixes? Most of them are gimmicks. A way for others to make money by changing your mind to believe false things. They say with a snap of my finger you will be changed. Your goal will have been successfully finished. Hypnosis snap their fingers and you do as they say. Or they make you believe that you have been changed.

To me to accomplish a goal you should have put alot of time and care into it. I am not saying dragging it out but I wouldn't say you would be instantly changed or to rush through a goal. Imagine if you needed to loose 200lbs. You would not want to loose just one pound for a month that you were alive. Sure you would get it off eventually (at least some of it) but more then likely you wouldn't notice the change. Or maybe you wouldn't get it off at all, but instead gain more weight. Nor would you be able to loose it all in one week. To do so would be unrealistic and very unhealthy.

To get you to understand the point of a realistic healthiness is you would have to invest a lot of time and work into it. A realistic time would be to lose a couple of lbs each week. ) No one ever woke up and was 200lbs heavier or lighter than they were the day before (unless they had some kind of surgical operation).

You take time to learn about it understand it so you won't fall into the same traps later when another goal arrives. With time you train yourself to think differently. It is not easy and it may never fully be changed but it is a way of thinking for a healthier you. With patience and being realistic I believe you can help yourself succeed in your goals.

Don’t rush into things. Sometimes we rush so much to get things done now that we may do it in a hazardous way. By rushing we could affect our body or we may not see results fast enough so we get depressed and quit. We give up on our goals because we are expecting the fastest results. We get this idea from many gimmicks out there saying "You can do this NOW", "You can have this NOW", and "You can be this NOW".

How many things out in the media can you find that has that same gimmick? That same logo that says "You Can Now".

Sadly we believe what they say and then are hurt, let down and depressed when it does not happen.

That is why I say "Take the Time to Try the TRUTH" or as I have heard some say it "Take time to smell the roses". Two phrases that I believe work here. Take your time and focus on your goal and your task at hand. Imagine if you had a huge house to clean that had not been cleaned in two years. You could go at it head strong but you would more than likely wear out fast. I say instead take a few minutes out of the day and clean. is a wonderful site that will teach you how to tackle cleaning your home. She does it by saying just fifteen minutes in each room. As long as you are doing some instead of none you will have a difference.

Have you ever found yourself saying one of the following?

"There is to much to do."

"Not enough time."

"I get very frustrated."

Yes they are excuses and they lead to a very wrong action. Can you guess what that action is?

Come back tomorrow to see the number one mistake that everyone makes when trying to finish their goals. See you then.

~Keyria~ :)

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