Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rewarding Passion

Well you have made it this far what could you do next? Only something enjoyable of course.

REWARDS! Everyone love rewards. It is always fun to treat yourself at the end of each goal that you have achieved. Just something small that you enjoy would be a great idea for rewarding yourself. Be reasonable. If you are dieting and you reached your goal wieght I wouldnt go out and buy the most fattening item on a menu. Instead I would proably go to a clothing store and purchase a new clothes item you had always wanted to wear. Alot of people buy bathing suits. Those who save for a car may buy an extra feature that doesnt cost much like a steering wheel cover, or a new cd to play inside the car. Those who achieved getting a degree may enjoy taking a vaccation. It doesn't have to be the most expensive vaccation, instead it could be a one day trip to a place you never visited, or maybe a two day trip to a favorite place of yours just to relax. It is a way to say Thank You to yourself after being so loyal to achieving your goal.

Goals are always with us. Even when we finish we don't just stop what we have learned. If we did people who lost all the wieght would gain it back. No instead we keep doing what we learned. So next comes motivation. Think of ways that we can motivate yourself. These are way to stay passionate about your goals because:

GOALS = PASSION and visa versa

What I mean is: If you had goals and no passion then you would never achieve your goal. For you would not have a want or a thrill to achieve the goal. To have a goal you must have had passion for it. For you don’t make goals without passion. Exp a person wanting to be a photographer would have a goal to be a photographer because that person has a passion for it. A person wanting a car would set a goal and succeed in doing so because they had a passion to get the car. Goals and passion go hand in hand.

Without passion you have no want for a goal. A person who does not like soccer would not set a goal to be a professional soccer player, nor would a person who did not like math would not go into an accounting job. Try not to make goals complex. Let them be something simple and easy that you enjoy.

A big thing to remember is that each goal you set in one way or another represents a healthier YOU. You would not set that goal if you did not want to improve something about you. It could be losing weight, finding a job, getting a dream car or it could be setting a goal to raise money for orphan which you learn to humble yourself. Goals help people see their potential and when accomplished let the person feel great. There is always going to be goals in your life. Don’t get overwhelmed instead just have fun and work on them one at a time. You may be surprised how they can shape who you are. If you have a passion you will succeed more so then if you don’t.

So let’s go over these again:
1) No more excuses
2) Have a change of mind (have discipline and think positive)
3) Be patient (don’t rush) Take the Time to Try the Truth
4) Be realistic, especially when it comes to timing
5) Don’t give up or give into pressure
6) Sacrifice with Passion
7) Make substitutions. (Enjoy the small things)
8) Write a list, break each goal down into time & needs to achieve. Mark off finished goals.
9) Search 4 Solutions and Support
10) Reward yourself
11) Goal = representing a healthier you

12) You fill in this one ;) What did you learn?
Goals= Go Out And Learn (Love) Success

Testimony: I work with God on all my goals. We are always working on a goal in my life to help me improve and be more like Christ. There are many Goals I have achieved with God’s help, from the first job I had to the first place of my own. I have even written a couple of stories and have gotten awards for them. All of this could not be done for me without my Father in Heaven.
~K. Hollon~

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength
~Philippians 4:13~
Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.
~Proverbs 3:6 ~

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