Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sacrificing with Passion

So I know all the rest that you have said what could be more then that?

Even with all the things I have mentioned before you still have another major thing that needs to happen:

Yuck!! Now that is not a word we want to hear.

Why would I say that? Well with each goal there are things needing to be done. For getting a car you must save money. To save means to sacrifice splurging on things such as movies. To get to a certain weight you sacrifice time by going to the gym and certain foods you once ate. But it is not just enough to sacrifice.

You must sacrifice with Passion!!!

What does that mean? Well when people see the word sacrifice they already put on a face saying “Yuck do I have to?” This makes them think of sacrificing in a bad way. When you sacrifice in a way of enjoyment then that is a different story.

An example: Instead of going to the movies, you go out and work on mowing lawns, raking leaves and other yard work for a little bit of cash. As you do these things you find fun ways to keep you thinking of them as chores. Maybe you get to keep the leaves after getting them in a bag then go over to a friend’s house and dump them out for their kids to jump in. Or maybe while you are mowing you sing a song loudly and no one has to plug their ears because they can’t hear you.

You sacrifice your time to get your goal obtain. While sacrificing you have fun. Sacrifice is giving up something you love. This may be the movies, but in the long run you better yourself or that of another.

There are other ways of sacrifice that I would say is more of a substitute. Like instead of going to the movies why not enjoy staying at home watching a movie you haven’t seen in a long time with your friends. Maybe you can make your own movie with a phone camera and place it on you tube seeing how many comments you get. Or use a jar and all the money you find out and about place in that jar. Once you have enough for a movie ticket then treat yourself to the movies (better yet once you have enough for two tickets or more treat you and others). Another example is instead of rushing to become an animal trainer right now, why not work on your own animals and see if they follow your lead. This well help you in the long run to be prepared more.

And how can we prepare ourselves?

By looking up information on our goals, Searching for information online, in books, magazines, even some documentaries may have some information. Youc an go out ask others like your friends, families, others that have the same goals or have succeeded in what you are trying to do. Even doctors may be good to ask on some goals.

With good information and good support (from friends, family, support groups, etc) You will have another step closer to obtaining your goal.

What else can you do? Start by writing a list. Write down your finances, listing the goals you want to set and how long it would take to set them. (remember to be realistic) Then place then into categories. Place you priorities on top. Work on the top one and go down. Do not do more than two goals at once for it will become very overwhelming. It is better if you can just work on one at a time. Put all your focal point into that one area.

Look at each goal you want to reach thoroughly and make sure they are all realistic and can be achieved. Mark them off one by one as you make your way down the list. Make sure you are listing your solutions and supports for each goal. And never be afraid to ask family, friends and others for help.

HELP!!! .... don't forget to be respectful either. For when you are not and you are bossy or pushy others wont help out. They will remember you as being rude and try to avoid. When you are polite and respectful others are more often likely to help out. Then there are even some that will go beyond what most would when helping and may get you to where you want to be. They could even turn into mentors or great contacts.

"Oh, I see. Would you be so kind as to help me on this?" There that is better.

"So what is next???"

That you will find out tomorrow. Until then have a great day!

~Keyria~ :)

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