Friday, May 28, 2010

S.T.R.E.S.S. Is not for Goals

STRESS…ewww another yucky word.

What exactly is Stress?
Stress when looked up is: A cause of strain that is felt by a person whether be emotional, Physical, or Mental. Or as I call it “Surviving The Real Emotions Surrounding Someone.”

Why do we dislike this word?
This word is not just a word but a word with conditions applied to it.

What does that mean?
It means Stress can cause a disturbing affect. Stress can cause many symptoms. Each symptom can be at different levels. Some of these are:

• Headaches (migraines at times)
• Digestive problems
• Soreness all over, muscle tension
• Back/chest pain (almost any pain anywhere)
• Autoimmune disease, Decreased immunity (easy to catch colds, infections and allergies)
• Feel insecure, low self esteem
• Breakdowns, feeling of not being able to cope
• Confusion, hard to make decisions, lack of concentration, trouble understanding or learning new information, hard to communicate
• Memory problems, forgetfulness, unclear
• Lack of humor
• Racing or pounding heart
• Shortness of breath and holding your breath
• Dry mouth, hard to swallow, thirst
• Tightness all over, tense, jaw clenching
• Over react to small things
• Increased minor accidents
• Obsessive or compulsive behavior
• Lack of work productivity and efficiency
• Overly defensive or suspicious
• Lack of interest
• Self Doubt, Low self-esteem
• Overall Change
• Phobias, jumpy, feeling wired • Depression, Sadness, Crying (which can lead to overeating, Obesity and sometimes under eating and/or suicidal thoughts)
• Raised blood pressure
• Skin conditions, rashes, irritations
• Heart Disease and/or heart Palpitations
• Upset stomach, heart burn and Nausea, vomiting
• Sleep problems, Restlessness, insomnia, nightmares
• Worry, racing thoughts
• Anxiety and Panic Attack
• Irritable, anger, outbursts, fustration
• Feeling overwhelmed and/or overloaded
• Negative thoughts and negative self talk, (leads to suicidal thoughts)
• Feeling loneliness or worthlessness
• Mood swings, feeling out of control, fear, guilt, denial, emotional shock
• Lack of energy, lack of motivation
• Sweaty palms, Sweating for no reason
• Butterflies in stomach, Nervousness (which can lead to fidgeting, foot tapping, stuttering, shaking, rapid or mumbled speech or other behaviors)
• Horrid Bowl movement problems like diarrhea, constipation or frequent urination)
• Tired, fatigued, weak, dizzy, light headed

Some will start up addictions to try to overcome stress by using activities to calm themselves or putting their focus on something else. These can include but are not limited to

Drug use
• Smoking or increased smoking
• Social withdrawal/ isolation
• Physical or mental abuse against yourself
• Use of over the counter drugs
• Controlling
• Gossiping
• Taking up a sport
• Cleaning
• Excessive Exercise
• Blaming others, overly suspicious • Under eating (as mentioned above
• Alcoholic use
• Crying spells
• Over Spending, impuse buys
• Adrenalin rush activities
• Lies and excuses
• Gambling
• Arguing, fighting, Getting violent (getting into conflicts with family, friends, co-workers, others) • Try to take on others problems
• Be someone other then yourself/ personality change

Wow! That is a bit scary when you look at what stress can do to you. Now is it a wonder why having stress can affect your goals?

I have a friend that works in a very fast pace job. He has been working there for many years. His goal is to get his tasks done. He works mainly in the back area where it is usually himself while there are others in the front working with customers. Lately though his job is changing so he is dealing a bit more with the customers then before. This has caused him to stress!

Look at all the things that can happen to him when he stresses. Eeek. Do you want to guess what happened to him?

Well I will tell you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you then!

~ “Hugs” Keyria~

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

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