Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Stress Challenge: Instructions (Day 3)

Ok so now you know three of the six questions:

What Symptom did you encountered?
What you were doing before it happened?
What time it was when it occurre?

What other questions can there be? Well here is the next Question:

How long did it last? Why do we need to know this question? Because we need to find out what kind of stress you are having. If it only last a short time then there may be a quick fix but if it last for quite some time. Then there may be a need for a concern.

Did you know there are two types of stress?

Acute stress- which is a quick response to the situation that your body does. This could raise your blood pressure or cause your heart to be rapid. Luckly, you recover from this stress quickly most of the time without hardly any harm. That is due to your body’s response to the intensity of the stress, the actions taken to calm down the stress and get rid of it all together.

However, sometimes if you do not react cautiously this can cause a heart attack or other symptoms. So it is still a concern.

Chromic stress- is a long term stress on the body. This is a condition that could last for a life time and cause you to have difficulties in your daily routines, in your work life and in your home life. This can make any preexisting problem of health that you have to become a bigger problem.
With knowing which one of these is causing the problem we cannot find out how to fix it.

If a doctor did not know if a person was having a heart attack or a chronic back pain then how would a doctor treat the symptoms. It would not be wise to give heart attack medications to a person having chronic back pain, nor would it be wise to give chronic back pain medications to the person with the heart attack. For those are two separate medications for two separate health Conditions.

In the same way we need to know the length of your stress symptom. That way we we can look for the right treatment for the right length of the problem

Ok go take a break for a bit. See how long a symptom is that you may have had or may have today, or maybe a friend had one. See if you noticed the length of the stress. Then come back tomorrow for the next question.

Hugs and Smiles


Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

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