#13 Exercise
This is one of those stress free things that we have half people wanting to do and the other half of people think eww I don’t want to exercise. Exercising actually can destress you. If you have stress that is more of a aggression getting that out at the gym helps your body not only physically but mentally as well. You go and get all your frustrations out by lifting the weights or running on the treadmill. (Make sure you don’t overdo it for that can cause stress on your body) exercise will raise and then lower your heart rate. This causes your body to focus outside of the stress they had and use their focus on what is going on at hand. After a good workout you normally feel refreshed. If not than at least you are tired enough to get that well needed rest you have been needing.
There are many kinds of exercise it is not only for getting out agression but you could also go and exersise through actions:
Go out to a dancing class. Any dance class will do. Dance to the beat of the music. This was always one of my favorite things to do as a child and still is. Go take want some shaking and twirling? Try: jazz, salsa, or western. Want something that moves your feet? Try: clogging or tap. Want something a bit softer? Try going to a ballet class
Ok so what if dancing is not your style? There are many other activities that are fun that you can do for exersice: Biking, Jogging, Running, Swimming, blading, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, are just a few. Want something slower then that? Try walking in the park, or doing a yoga class.
Todays Challenge: Go out and do one exercise today. Have it last from 3o minutes to 1hour. (Longer if you want just dont overdo it.) Have fun with it.
Anything that gets you moving off your seat can be considered exersice (within reason). So go out today and do some exercise. Even better grab a friend and go for a bike ride, go to the gym together, go swimming or even bowling. Whatever you are doing go have fun!
~Hugs Keyria~
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. ~1Timmothy 4:8
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