Monday, May 31, 2010

The Stress Challenge: Instructions (Day 2)

Yesterday you got the first two questions:
What Symptoms did you encountered? and What were you were doing before it happened?

Are you Ready for the next question?

What time it was when it occurred:
Why would we need to know the time? This seems like an odd question right? Well actually the time that it happens could be a reason for the symptom. The best way to describe this is by looking at allergies. Some have them in the morning others at night. They are consistent to happen during the same time. This is the same as some symptoms.

Sonya was always a very perky person. But during 2pm each day during her History class she would get terrible headaches. These would make it hard to concentrate to the class. She begin to stress major and soon she was failing the class. She didn’t understand. History was her favorite subject yet here she was unable to do the in class assignments and more importantly the tests. However, her homework was always A’s. How can this happen she wondered?

One day the teacher called Sonya to class early to discuss what was going on. She explained that each time she came into the class she would get a headache and not be able to concentrate. She explained that she was stressing a lot and she didn’t understand why this was happening since she loved history. Sonya and the teacher went through options of what it could be that was causing the headaches. They checked the lights but they were the same as in each of the rooms. They checked to see if where she was sitting was causing her to be too far back to where she couldn’t see the board or hear the teacher very well but she was fine with her spot able to read perfectly and understand every word the teacher said. They figured they would find a way for her to catch up later after class, for it was five minutes to start.

Sonya went and sat down as the teacher pulled out a spray can. She started to spray around the room this air freshener and then placed the bottle back into her drawer. Within a few minutes Sonya started to feel her head begin to hurt. Within ten minutes her headache was strong. She suddenly thought could it be the air freshener? She asked the teacher if they can open the windows a small bit cause she thinks she understands why she was getting her headaches. As the time went on Sonya’s headache started to release and she was able to comprehend more. The fresh air was helping break up the air freshener.

It turns out every day her teacher would spray before the kids got there for a pleasant smelling class. Without realizing it that spray was causing Sonya’s headaches. The headaches were causing her to not be able to concentrate very well in class. Without that concentration she was failing which then lead ultimately to Sonya’s stress.

Not such an odd question when we realize that time does make an importance to situations.

Are you ready for question four? Yep you guessed it that will be for tomorrow. So keep those pens and papers handy.

Hugs and Smiles

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Stress Challenge: Instructions (Day 1)

Wow! Look at all those things on your list! And all of those whether a lot or a little are from stress.
Ok so we have our list and some have a major cause of stress, so what is the next step?

Next step will help you identify your major cause of stress if you don’t know what it is. This step takes a lot of work to stay ALERT and FOCUSED. You will need a notebook and pen on you at ALL TIMES.

Stress Challenge: Starting on Friday, Try keeping a notebook on you for one month writing in it each time you have a symptom of stress. Make sure you answer all the questions I will be giving you in the next few days.

Every time you encounter a symptom I want you answer 6 questions. The first two are:

What Symptom did you encountered:

What you were doing before it happened:

So how does this help?
For one thing most of us do not really focus on what is going on with us. Some of us however are overly aware. Either way this will help us pin point the problem or problems high point of stress. That way later we can look for the solutions.

So why then each one of those questions?
Just like a doctor needs to have all the facts so that he/she can check all the possibilities and find the right cure we must do the same. Imagine going to the doctor and leaving out how many days it happened, or how long it lasted. They may think that this is just a once in a blue moon thing and it is not to be worried about. When in reality this is happening everyday and needs to be checked.

First: What symptom did you encounter?
This question is straight forward and to the point. Did you encounter a racing heart? What about a rash? What about shortness of breath or dizziness? These are things that are very important to know. Write down all symptoms that apply.

Second: What you were doing before it happened:
This question is to find out if maybe it is a certain similarity that may be causing it. Maybe you do a lot of lifting and this is putting stress on your body. Or maybe you are watching a movie that has got you so wrapped in it that you fear as if you were the character in the show. Or maybe you are doing something that is racing your adrenalin. These are all things to be aware of. This is so that if you have the same symptom during the same activities then you learn that maybe that activity is not one that you should be doing or maybe you are doing it wrong. You may want to tone it down.

If you go to the gym and you exercise but you start to get dizzy and short of breath you don’t keep going. Instead you slow down or take a break. This is the same with finding out that it may be an activity, Try slowing it down, taking a break or doing a different activity that is similar but stress free.

So what is the next question I need to write down?

You dont have to be curious for long that will be answered tomorrow. So have your pens and paper prepared.

Hugs and Smiles

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Steps for Stress

So did you figure out what which stress problem happened?
Well unfortunately it wasn’t just one!

His shoulder started to give him discomfort and pain. Then He started to have headache and diarrhea . His lack of sleep came from his negative thoughts of feeling insecure, not being able to do the job, self-doubt feeling low self-worth. He started to feel the anxiety hit and became frustrated when he was not able to comprehend things like before. He was feeling overwhelmed , worried and began to have a speech problem. Then came the tensing after forgetting things he knew. But he really struggled with stress after seeing a skin irritation (stress rash) on his hands and he seemed to be going slower at work. So to him his efficiency at work was lacking the normal energy he once had.

That is quite a bit if you really look at all the problems he was having. Yet he didn’t realize he was having problems he just blamed everything on himself and not realizing that he was having heavy symptoms of STRESS. No one really sees all of what is going on until they take time to focus on each problem.

So let’s see if we can help cure this. As I said yesterday, people will turn to things to help them cope with stress. They push the stress aside and focus on their new project in front of them. Not all of these things will help in fact all it does is shield the problem. It is like throwing a blanket over the mess around your room. The mess is still there but now you can’t see it because you are focusing on the blanket. Or we push all the mess to one side of the room. What will this accomplish? If we stress but cover it up we just create more stress. This becomes a bigger problem.

“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken” ~ Lloyd Cory

I love that quote. It puts things into perspective. We may not want to deal with our stress so we push it aside thinking it will go away. But until we face the stress, face that mess we placed along the side of the room or under that blanket and remove it piece by piece. It will never go away but keep consuming us.

To get stress out of our lives so we can focus on our goals we must do some actions similar to actions being done for our goals. This is all a step by step process. Just like picking up that mess piece by piece. To make sure that you do get rid of it.
We start by identifying why you are stressing. What is the major cause of it? It could be your Job, Finances, Relationship etc.

Did you find your major cause of stress? Sometimes this is not easy. Only because sometimes we don’t realize we are stressing. So that is when step two and three come into play. This is how the ones who may not know what their major cause is can figure it out.
Just like with goals, Make a list. This is a list of your symptoms.

So your goal for today is to go right down your major cause of stress if you know what it is if not, then just list all the symptoms of stress you have encountered while trying to get a goal done.

Tomorrow we are going to find out what to do with that list.

Until then have a great day
~“Hugs” Keyria~

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

Friday, May 28, 2010

S.T.R.E.S.S. Is not for Goals

STRESS…ewww another yucky word.

What exactly is Stress?
Stress when looked up is: A cause of strain that is felt by a person whether be emotional, Physical, or Mental. Or as I call it “Surviving The Real Emotions Surrounding Someone.”

Why do we dislike this word?
This word is not just a word but a word with conditions applied to it.

What does that mean?
It means Stress can cause a disturbing affect. Stress can cause many symptoms. Each symptom can be at different levels. Some of these are:

• Headaches (migraines at times)
• Digestive problems
• Soreness all over, muscle tension
• Back/chest pain (almost any pain anywhere)
• Autoimmune disease, Decreased immunity (easy to catch colds, infections and allergies)
• Feel insecure, low self esteem
• Breakdowns, feeling of not being able to cope
• Confusion, hard to make decisions, lack of concentration, trouble understanding or learning new information, hard to communicate
• Memory problems, forgetfulness, unclear
• Lack of humor
• Racing or pounding heart
• Shortness of breath and holding your breath
• Dry mouth, hard to swallow, thirst
• Tightness all over, tense, jaw clenching
• Over react to small things
• Increased minor accidents
• Obsessive or compulsive behavior
• Lack of work productivity and efficiency
• Overly defensive or suspicious
• Lack of interest
• Self Doubt, Low self-esteem
• Overall Change
• Phobias, jumpy, feeling wired • Depression, Sadness, Crying (which can lead to overeating, Obesity and sometimes under eating and/or suicidal thoughts)
• Raised blood pressure
• Skin conditions, rashes, irritations
• Heart Disease and/or heart Palpitations
• Upset stomach, heart burn and Nausea, vomiting
• Sleep problems, Restlessness, insomnia, nightmares
• Worry, racing thoughts
• Anxiety and Panic Attack
• Irritable, anger, outbursts, fustration
• Feeling overwhelmed and/or overloaded
• Negative thoughts and negative self talk, (leads to suicidal thoughts)
• Feeling loneliness or worthlessness
• Mood swings, feeling out of control, fear, guilt, denial, emotional shock
• Lack of energy, lack of motivation
• Sweaty palms, Sweating for no reason
• Butterflies in stomach, Nervousness (which can lead to fidgeting, foot tapping, stuttering, shaking, rapid or mumbled speech or other behaviors)
• Horrid Bowl movement problems like diarrhea, constipation or frequent urination)
• Tired, fatigued, weak, dizzy, light headed

Some will start up addictions to try to overcome stress by using activities to calm themselves or putting their focus on something else. These can include but are not limited to

Drug use
• Smoking or increased smoking
• Social withdrawal/ isolation
• Physical or mental abuse against yourself
• Use of over the counter drugs
• Controlling
• Gossiping
• Taking up a sport
• Cleaning
• Excessive Exercise
• Blaming others, overly suspicious • Under eating (as mentioned above
• Alcoholic use
• Crying spells
• Over Spending, impuse buys
• Adrenalin rush activities
• Lies and excuses
• Gambling
• Arguing, fighting, Getting violent (getting into conflicts with family, friends, co-workers, others) • Try to take on others problems
• Be someone other then yourself/ personality change

Wow! That is a bit scary when you look at what stress can do to you. Now is it a wonder why having stress can affect your goals?

I have a friend that works in a very fast pace job. He has been working there for many years. His goal is to get his tasks done. He works mainly in the back area where it is usually himself while there are others in the front working with customers. Lately though his job is changing so he is dealing a bit more with the customers then before. This has caused him to stress!

Look at all the things that can happen to him when he stresses. Eeek. Do you want to guess what happened to him?

Well I will tell you tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you then!

~ “Hugs” Keyria~

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Stress management

Oh, you didn’t think I was done did you lol. Of course not, Ok so now that we have our start let’s go on a bit. So we decided no more excuses, we are going to think positive from here on out and be patient with our results. We are trying to be realistic and not give in to our pressures. We are making substitutions for our sacrifices and having support from others. We have a long list and broke it into manageable time; we have found the first goal and begun.

Everything seems to be going good. But then ….

Jessica was out on her daily walk. She wanted to lose weight and she figured she was ready. She knew the steps to start her goal and she knew what to do to overcome it or so she thought. She had been doing this since three weeks ago. She started going for walks thirty minutes a day. She was thinking how wonderful it was that she was sticking to it. How great she was feeling. She was very excited. Sure she didn’t see the results but they would surely come in. I just have to be patient she thought. Then a phone call came in. Her walking suddenly came to a halt. “What? How?.... When?...... Where?...... Why?” As she said ok and hung up her eyes suddenly filled with tears. There had been a family emergency for her Father who came down with cancer. She wiped her tears finished her walk though it seemed to take forever. She got home and packed getting ready to go visit her Father and see what exactly needed to be done. You see it was just her and her younger sister who was still in college. Her sister had a lot of things still to do. So it was up to Jessica to step up and take the role of guardian caretaker. Jessica got to her father’s house. He was there instead of the hospital and was refusing to take his medications to help him. He refused all help from any person that was associated with the hospital.

Jessica looked around the house it was a disaster. It looked as if a twister came through and tore up the place. She sighed and started to pick up the dirty clothes lying everywhere. RING. She answered her phone again. This time it was her work saying they couldn’t approver her request to take a few days off to get her father settled because she was the only person not on vacation. “How can this be happening?” she thought. She tried to make a deal but no luck she had to be there. For the next few weeks Jessica started to commute. She went to work then back to her fathers to take care of him, clean his house and keep up on his bills that he had also been lacking to do. Another phone call came in and her sister needed her to sew her costume for the college play. Jessica apologized saying she was too busy but her sister begged and pleaded that she finally gave in. She had extra work on top of all of this reports she needed to finish and hand in each morning to her boss. Soon Jessica had lost track of how many months went by. She started to eat out almost every night bringing the fast food home. She was just too tired to cook. Her exercising was nonexistent. Gone. It had slowly faded without her realizing it.

Instead of realization of her surroundings and situation, she replaced her goal with overwhelming thoughts about what all needed to be done, Stressing about time management, and breaking down every second until she couldn’t take it anymore. There are always going to be things in your life that will slow you down from your goal. Things that you may not be able to control (especially on your own). However we can control our mind set. If we really try to that is. For Jessica that became hard because she became stressed. She let the stress control her to forget her own goals. It took hold of her.

For the next couple of days I would like to talk to you about stress and time management. How you can work around it to accomplish our goals. Stress is not easy to overcome and most of us push it aside and figure we can deal with it later only to realize that it builds and later we are unable to handle it when it decides to surface again. That is when we break down. This can be avoided with the knowledge of time management.

So I will see you tomorrow.

~ “Hugs” Keyria~

Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take~ Proverbs 3:6
You can do anything through Christ who gives you strength ~ Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Rewarding Passion

Well you have made it this far what could you do next? Only something enjoyable of course.

REWARDS! Everyone love rewards. It is always fun to treat yourself at the end of each goal that you have achieved. Just something small that you enjoy would be a great idea for rewarding yourself. Be reasonable. If you are dieting and you reached your goal wieght I wouldnt go out and buy the most fattening item on a menu. Instead I would proably go to a clothing store and purchase a new clothes item you had always wanted to wear. Alot of people buy bathing suits. Those who save for a car may buy an extra feature that doesnt cost much like a steering wheel cover, or a new cd to play inside the car. Those who achieved getting a degree may enjoy taking a vaccation. It doesn't have to be the most expensive vaccation, instead it could be a one day trip to a place you never visited, or maybe a two day trip to a favorite place of yours just to relax. It is a way to say Thank You to yourself after being so loyal to achieving your goal.

Goals are always with us. Even when we finish we don't just stop what we have learned. If we did people who lost all the wieght would gain it back. No instead we keep doing what we learned. So next comes motivation. Think of ways that we can motivate yourself. These are way to stay passionate about your goals because:

GOALS = PASSION and visa versa

What I mean is: If you had goals and no passion then you would never achieve your goal. For you would not have a want or a thrill to achieve the goal. To have a goal you must have had passion for it. For you don’t make goals without passion. Exp a person wanting to be a photographer would have a goal to be a photographer because that person has a passion for it. A person wanting a car would set a goal and succeed in doing so because they had a passion to get the car. Goals and passion go hand in hand.

Without passion you have no want for a goal. A person who does not like soccer would not set a goal to be a professional soccer player, nor would a person who did not like math would not go into an accounting job. Try not to make goals complex. Let them be something simple and easy that you enjoy.

A big thing to remember is that each goal you set in one way or another represents a healthier YOU. You would not set that goal if you did not want to improve something about you. It could be losing weight, finding a job, getting a dream car or it could be setting a goal to raise money for orphan which you learn to humble yourself. Goals help people see their potential and when accomplished let the person feel great. There is always going to be goals in your life. Don’t get overwhelmed instead just have fun and work on them one at a time. You may be surprised how they can shape who you are. If you have a passion you will succeed more so then if you don’t.

So let’s go over these again:
1) No more excuses
2) Have a change of mind (have discipline and think positive)
3) Be patient (don’t rush) Take the Time to Try the Truth
4) Be realistic, especially when it comes to timing
5) Don’t give up or give into pressure
6) Sacrifice with Passion
7) Make substitutions. (Enjoy the small things)
8) Write a list, break each goal down into time & needs to achieve. Mark off finished goals.
9) Search 4 Solutions and Support
10) Reward yourself
11) Goal = representing a healthier you

12) You fill in this one ;) What did you learn?
Goals= Go Out And Learn (Love) Success

Testimony: I work with God on all my goals. We are always working on a goal in my life to help me improve and be more like Christ. There are many Goals I have achieved with God’s help, from the first job I had to the first place of my own. I have even written a couple of stories and have gotten awards for them. All of this could not be done for me without my Father in Heaven.
~K. Hollon~

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength
~Philippians 4:13~
Seek God’s will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.
~Proverbs 3:6 ~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sacrificing with Passion

So I know all the rest that you have said what could be more then that?

Even with all the things I have mentioned before you still have another major thing that needs to happen:

Yuck!! Now that is not a word we want to hear.

Why would I say that? Well with each goal there are things needing to be done. For getting a car you must save money. To save means to sacrifice splurging on things such as movies. To get to a certain weight you sacrifice time by going to the gym and certain foods you once ate. But it is not just enough to sacrifice.

You must sacrifice with Passion!!!

What does that mean? Well when people see the word sacrifice they already put on a face saying “Yuck do I have to?” This makes them think of sacrificing in a bad way. When you sacrifice in a way of enjoyment then that is a different story.

An example: Instead of going to the movies, you go out and work on mowing lawns, raking leaves and other yard work for a little bit of cash. As you do these things you find fun ways to keep you thinking of them as chores. Maybe you get to keep the leaves after getting them in a bag then go over to a friend’s house and dump them out for their kids to jump in. Or maybe while you are mowing you sing a song loudly and no one has to plug their ears because they can’t hear you.

You sacrifice your time to get your goal obtain. While sacrificing you have fun. Sacrifice is giving up something you love. This may be the movies, but in the long run you better yourself or that of another.

There are other ways of sacrifice that I would say is more of a substitute. Like instead of going to the movies why not enjoy staying at home watching a movie you haven’t seen in a long time with your friends. Maybe you can make your own movie with a phone camera and place it on you tube seeing how many comments you get. Or use a jar and all the money you find out and about place in that jar. Once you have enough for a movie ticket then treat yourself to the movies (better yet once you have enough for two tickets or more treat you and others). Another example is instead of rushing to become an animal trainer right now, why not work on your own animals and see if they follow your lead. This well help you in the long run to be prepared more.

And how can we prepare ourselves?

By looking up information on our goals, Searching for information online, in books, magazines, even some documentaries may have some information. Youc an go out ask others like your friends, families, others that have the same goals or have succeeded in what you are trying to do. Even doctors may be good to ask on some goals.

With good information and good support (from friends, family, support groups, etc) You will have another step closer to obtaining your goal.

What else can you do? Start by writing a list. Write down your finances, listing the goals you want to set and how long it would take to set them. (remember to be realistic) Then place then into categories. Place you priorities on top. Work on the top one and go down. Do not do more than two goals at once for it will become very overwhelming. It is better if you can just work on one at a time. Put all your focal point into that one area.

Look at each goal you want to reach thoroughly and make sure they are all realistic and can be achieved. Mark them off one by one as you make your way down the list. Make sure you are listing your solutions and supports for each goal. And never be afraid to ask family, friends and others for help.

HELP!!! .... don't forget to be respectful either. For when you are not and you are bossy or pushy others wont help out. They will remember you as being rude and try to avoid. When you are polite and respectful others are more often likely to help out. Then there are even some that will go beyond what most would when helping and may get you to where you want to be. They could even turn into mentors or great contacts.

"Oh, I see. Would you be so kind as to help me on this?" There that is better.

"So what is next???"

That you will find out tomorrow. Until then have a great day!

~Keyria~ :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Never Again

So what do you think the number one mistake for achieving goals is? If you said quiting you are correct!

Many of us try to do too much at once that we get so fustrated and we give up. We quit on our goals. We can overwhelm ourselves with our goals and it can take as little as forgeting to do something or missing a day may make us quit. I have seen one to many people (myself included) get fustrated when they mess up on a diet plan and eat something not on the diet list, or missing a day at the gym makes them not want to go back. They fall right back into thier old routine again, just cause they feel like a failure for missing that one day.

Get that thought out of your mind!!! Change your mind set to think as a child. Remember when you were walking? You fell but then got up again. No matter how many times you fell you still got on your feet again. As a child we didn't give up. That is what we need to learn as adults. I dont know how that mind set changed during our process of growing up. I would like to talk to whoever put a damper in our world by telling us "Oh you can't" when we could and should have.

The more you practice the stronger you will be. Don’t let others put you down either. A friend I knew gave up on his goal to be a photographer because someone told him “That field is hard to get into. There are not that many jobs out there and you won’t make a living off of it.” He got bummed and stopped trying.

Another friend friend I knew was going into acting. She was a very good actress. Sadly it took only one person to tell her “I didn’t put you in the play because you are a bit on the bigger side and I need smaller actresses.” She took that as the worst thing ever. She became embarrassed and quit acting. She gave up on her goal to be an actress.

If we were to all start to do this then humans would not have gotten this far in our life with technology and other things. Plus we would not go any further. Instead we would be close to all being the same (like robots and I surely dont want to be a robot do you?).

Imagine if you went back in time and explained electricity to those that never had it. They would look at you funny or imagine what it must have been like to be the first person who landed on the moon or the first to fly a plane. What society has said to be impossible has become possible. I always hear a song from a cartoon that lyrics go "Never say Never whatever you do" Do you remember that song? Can you figure out which cartoon it is that had it in it?

The world is not flat it is round and full of ideas, so go out and have fun using them!!

Ok so far we know not to make excuses for they get us nowhere. We need to change our mind and be realistic. We need to take time to try truth and not rush into things, and now we know not to give up.

So then it looks like we know everything. Right?
Nope! There is still more when it comes to goals.
Yep more. But you have to wait until tomorrow to learn more.

~Keyria~ :)

"If you believe that your dreams will come true they will come true in the end. Keep the courage don't dispair. Take heart and count to ten. Hope for the best work for the rest and never say never again." From a wonderful cartoon to watch.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Fast, Quick, Easy Goals

Quick! Fast! Easy! Those are what everyone wants when it comes to getting a goal done. We don't want to have to use more time than we have to. Often when we do the fast fix we tend to overlook things, we miss what we needed to learn in the first place, and the goal never turns out to be the way we expected it to be.

So what are these quick fixes? Most of them are gimmicks. A way for others to make money by changing your mind to believe false things. They say with a snap of my finger you will be changed. Your goal will have been successfully finished. Hypnosis snap their fingers and you do as they say. Or they make you believe that you have been changed.

To me to accomplish a goal you should have put alot of time and care into it. I am not saying dragging it out but I wouldn't say you would be instantly changed or to rush through a goal. Imagine if you needed to loose 200lbs. You would not want to loose just one pound for a month that you were alive. Sure you would get it off eventually (at least some of it) but more then likely you wouldn't notice the change. Or maybe you wouldn't get it off at all, but instead gain more weight. Nor would you be able to loose it all in one week. To do so would be unrealistic and very unhealthy.

To get you to understand the point of a realistic healthiness is you would have to invest a lot of time and work into it. A realistic time would be to lose a couple of lbs each week. ) No one ever woke up and was 200lbs heavier or lighter than they were the day before (unless they had some kind of surgical operation).

You take time to learn about it understand it so you won't fall into the same traps later when another goal arrives. With time you train yourself to think differently. It is not easy and it may never fully be changed but it is a way of thinking for a healthier you. With patience and being realistic I believe you can help yourself succeed in your goals.

Don’t rush into things. Sometimes we rush so much to get things done now that we may do it in a hazardous way. By rushing we could affect our body or we may not see results fast enough so we get depressed and quit. We give up on our goals because we are expecting the fastest results. We get this idea from many gimmicks out there saying "You can do this NOW", "You can have this NOW", and "You can be this NOW".

How many things out in the media can you find that has that same gimmick? That same logo that says "You Can Now".

Sadly we believe what they say and then are hurt, let down and depressed when it does not happen.

That is why I say "Take the Time to Try the TRUTH" or as I have heard some say it "Take time to smell the roses". Two phrases that I believe work here. Take your time and focus on your goal and your task at hand. Imagine if you had a huge house to clean that had not been cleaned in two years. You could go at it head strong but you would more than likely wear out fast. I say instead take a few minutes out of the day and clean. is a wonderful site that will teach you how to tackle cleaning your home. She does it by saying just fifteen minutes in each room. As long as you are doing some instead of none you will have a difference.

Have you ever found yourself saying one of the following?

"There is to much to do."

"Not enough time."

"I get very frustrated."

Yes they are excuses and they lead to a very wrong action. Can you guess what that action is?

Come back tomorrow to see the number one mistake that everyone makes when trying to finish their goals. See you then.

~Keyria~ :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Goals ... Changing your Mindset

One of our problems is our mind set. In this day in age you can’t leave the house without there being advertisements, announcements, and more telling you to buy. Most try to use the word SALE for that draws people into the trap.

We can’t get away from buying and spending. It is hard to overlook those signs. However if you think about it after we buy that “Got to have item." "You will be sorry if you miss it." "You won’t be cool if you don’t own it." or "It's a one of kind need to own item.” We place them on a shelf and forget about them as they collect dust. Or maybe we do use that item but only at times and not often enough for it to be useful. We don’t realize that when we die it will be worth nothing to us. It will be a “Don’t need to have, didn’t need to buy item.” Even before we die it loses its pleasure and we want something else bigger and better. Examples: Cars you can’t settle with a older version you need the newest one, Video game systems are always trying to outdo the other and gamers try to buy them all.

Maybe your goal is not to buy something, but it is to do something. So why do you put it off? Is it because you don’t have time? Is it because you don’t have the right items?

Oh well I was feeling ill” said a boy to his mother when asked why he didn’t clean his room. Even though he said he didn’t feel good he was feeling well enough as he played video games during the time he was supposed to clean. You see it is not that we don’t want the goal to happen we do. Some call it laziness.

I once read a card that said something similar to the following: “I wrote you a long letter the other day but Mr. Wiggles decided he was hungry and ate it. So I rewrote it for you and then I spilled my coffee all over it. Again I wrote you a long letter and then it got lost. So here I have written you three letters why haven’t you written me?” Can you find something consistent with that card? If you guessed EXCUSES you are correct. We would rather not be the ones having to do goals so instead we make up "excuses" to get it out of doing so. It is a lack of responsibility.

Have you looked at how many times you make up an excuse cause you don't want to do something. See how many excuses you can catch yourself in the next week (maybe even a day).

To break the excuses we need to have a change of mindset!!!!!!

Today many view goals as a chore. They see goals as hard work that they just would rather not do. Now I am not saying every goal you set is like this, but most goals that people set are hard to do. Our mind is on what pleasures us more than what will improve us.

For example dieters would rather have that food that is forbidden by diets then to not have it. But they have to change their minds to not want it (Also known as disciplining). Many try to find this by looking in false ways. Hypnosis, mind control, clearing the mind for the soul, and some even try help from psychics. The irony of this is that they have to have an open mind that it will work. That is the same with changing your mindset. You believe instead of it just being words said.

People look for a quick, fast, and easy way to get to their goals. So what is the quick, fast, and easy way for accomplishing a goal? You will just have to wait till tomorrow to find out. :)

Keyria :-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Reaching 4 Your Goals

How many times have you heard yourself saying “This time I am going to do it. This time I am going to finish what I started.” To once again find yourself repeating your actions before of not finishing what you wanted to do. Amazing everyone has once in their lives done just that. They started a goal to find out that they couldn’t finish. For many it is an ongoing struggle.

Why is that?

Why do we struggle with goals?

Most of us like the idea of the goal, but not the process of getting there, so we push the process in the back of our minds and forget about it.

For example let’s say you have been wanting to buy a new car. We know the way to achieve that goal is to save the money to get the car. However let’s say we are big on watching movies. You may tell yourself ok just this time and then I am going to stop going that way I can save. So we go to the movies this time thinking it will be our last.

Now let’s be honest with ourselves.

Can we really save the money and not go next time? What if our friend comes over and says “Hey I am so excited, that movie we have been waiting to see for four months is now out in theaters tomorrow. It is going to be amazing!” Now do you honestly think you are going to be able to say no to the movie? What about hanging out with your friend? You see there is always going to be another movie waiting around the corner. So are we going to reach our goal of buying that car with this mindset?

(continued tomorrow.... see you then) Keyria :)