Now you are looking at this and thinking, well that is not much of a challenge but believe me it is. I want you to smile at EVERYTHING. I am not just talking your smiling at a person as they walk by but also at your daily routines that could have mishaps.
The other day I was in the store. Now I do not believe I have told this but I had an injury a while back that has hurt my back. So I am very cautious when it comes to doing certain activities. However I was not cautious enough or in time for what was about to happen. There I was standing in line waiting patiently. I notice I seem to find the lines that make me wait. Oh well. I am standing there and then it turns to my turn. So I am putting up my items, now I do not know about you but I like to watch the items get rang up so I know I am getting the same price I saw on the shelf. So I am trying to quickly load onto the conveyer belt as the cashier is checking my stuff. I figure I will count it in my head. I finish up and push the cart in front of me and go to pay. When a shooting pain goes down my back. The person behind me was not paying no attention and hit me with their cart. I was about to turn and say something along the lines of "Excuse me, am I invisible." I was only going to say that due to the person not apologizing. Yet my thoughts hit me all at once. As I am thinking away I am slowly finishing up paying and walking to the car. It takes more effort to be kind then it does not to be.
I thought what if the person behind me didn't realize it? Was that person to busy talking to notice? Should I start a fight just because I felt upset? If I did that would make me look just as bad as the person. So instead I walked away and as I walked away I found a penny and then smiled. This may not seem like much but there is a poem I loved growing up about how when you are down a angel will toss down a penny to cheer you up. For the rest of the day I smiled and I had a really nice day. I even got smiles back from other people.
So your challenge is smile. Even if you spill coffee, trip, make a mistake I want you to smile and look out because there may be a pe nny from an angel coming your way in the days to come.
~Keyria Lockheart~
Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it!!