Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stress Free Tip #17 Tomorrow Is Just A Day Away

"Jon, seriously, I dont think she is going to be able to help you." Matthew and Jon were walking down the dirt path to a little old cabin. Inside that cabin was a woman by the name of Jazmine Jerlini, the town's palm reader. "I can't stand my life right now and I need help to see the future. To see if it is going to get better than this. I know she can help me. My life right now feels like a wreck. She is my last resort. If she says my life is not going to get any better than..." Jon voice trailed off as he thought. Still he was not slowing down for anything. Matthew trying to keep up, kept on trying to stop him but Jon just would not stop. They made it to the cabin door. Matthew looked down "What if it is just a waste of your money and time?" Jon took a huge sigh then pressed the door open. Matthew watched as he went in out of sight.

#17 Stop Worrying About Tomorrow

How many of us do that. We focus on our future, what tomorrow is going to have in store for us. We are to worried about having the perfect life. We either stress to much about the present, past and/or future. We stop realzing that we need to just relax.

“Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you! Tomorrow! You’re only a day away!” Sang Annie. Do you remember that story of an orphan girl? No matter what she tried to have high hopes. She didn’t worry about tomorrow instead she looked forward to it as a positive thing. So when you start to think oh I have to do this and this and this and that and this and that and that and etc lol. Think instead of Annie. She didn’t know if she would ever be adopted but each day meant new possibilities of her being adopted.

This is how we should view tomorrow. As a joy, a brand new day with new possibilities.

Today's Challenge: Watch Annie. Go rent it, go borrow it, or go buy it. At any rate go watch it.
~Hugs Keyria~

Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. ~ Lamentations 3:22-23

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Stress Free Tip #16 Deactivate to Reactivate Yourself

"Mommy, it's broke. I can't fix it." June was almost in tears when she handed me her newest doll which she named Melody. "What is wrong with Melody?" I asked as I looked the doll over. "She is not talking no more." June whispered. You could see the tears about to burst through her eyes. "It is ok, Dr. Mommy is here for the rescue. It says unscrew the back of the toy, press the black button and hold it down for five seconds. Then release and it will be reset. Lets give it a try." I flipped the doll over and did as instructed. Within seconds the doll begain to work again. All it needed was to be refreshed. "Looks like she is going to make it." I said handing the doll back to June. "Thank you! Thank you Mommy! Your the best Doctor in the whole world! And the best Mommy!" She hugged me then ran off to go play with Melody some more.

#16 Deactivate to Reactivate Yourself

Now I know that must sound so funny to hear. Deactivate to Reactivate? But seriously it works. How can you deactivate? Start by not overwhelming yourself with activities. Alot of people put to much on themselves.

I have to go to college, go to work, go pay a car bill on my break, go back to work, get off go pay another bill, get groceries, drop them off at home, go back to college, go home fix dinner, while doing laundry, clean up after dinner, email a few friends, then head to bed to start the day over. It gets overwhelming especially now that I am joining the chior and have a few extra one day classes that I decided to squeeze in. I know I can do it but it just gets exhausting at times. - Mary

Many people just keep adding and adding until it becomes to much for them to handle. We dont realize we are doing it until the last moment. This brings us to the point of exhaustion, overwhelm, stress, and even can go into extremes. I have heard of people feeling they have to do everything and as soon as they mess up on a minor detail they become majorly depressed even to the thought of suicide. That is not how it should be.

We should enjoy what we are doing at the moment not worring about what comes next on our lists. This is where the lists do come in. Write a list of all that is needed to do and only do the few that needs to be done right away. I am sure I have already written on this before but it is good to reread again. Add a fun activity in with all the normal activities and take out those that don't need to be done.

It is like cleaning out a computer. You delete all the old files, pictures, and programs that you dont use, dont want, and/or dont need. This is what you need to do wtih your normal day to day activities. Do you really need to take that extra class right now? Can it wait until you have finished the classes you have now? Focus on what you have going on now.

Ok I would like to do the cooking class now but I would be so worn out... oh it is being retaught in August. Oh that is better because I dont have as much going on. let me do that instead. I am glad that worked out because I proably would have been stressing about not having time to finish things on time or money to afford the materials since I have other things needing to be paid right now that take priority. Plus this will give me time to relax at home for a bit.

Find the activities you truly enjoy or alternate from activities. Don't let your activities beat you up, instead give your activities the time you and they deserve.

I know I could have graduated along time ago but I am glad that I am not stressed like alot of my friends. I take a couple of classes, work part time and enjoy breathing the rest of the day. I can go for walks with my dog, do my grocery shopping with out having to rush. I enjoy life. I may not have that fancy house like I have seen others have. Instead I have an apartment which I love. It gives me shelter and I can enjoy being in it longer then some that have the fancier houses. They dont get to enjoy them because they are always in a rush." - Melanie

Todays challenge: Take five minutes, make a list of all you do. Wean out what you don't need to do. Make sure you do have one fun day in each day of the week. It doesn't have to be going on trips all the time but maybe watching a movie at home that you have yet to see. See if it makes a difference.

~Hugs Keyria~

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

Monday, June 28, 2010

Stress Tip #15 Secret Hide Out

It was perfect! Just the right size and everything. All I had to do was crawl under a couple of bushes and there I was in the middle of a hideaway. See there were bushess all aoround these four trees. You couldn't see in unless you pushed back the branches. It was great. I would crawl into where the four trees were and there was enough room for me to stay on the ground or climb into branches. It was my favorite place in the world when I was little. ~ Sophie

#15 Quiet Time and Place

Remember when you were little and you would find a perfect hideout? A place that was hidden to everyone other than you(even though your parents knew where it was it felt like they didn't). Maybe it was a club that you and a friend or friends found, or a treehouse. Maybe it was amongst a bunch of trees that hid you from others, or down the ways at the beach near rocks where no one goes to because they don't know about it. These were all places we would run to just to get away from everyone, everything, or just because. Alot used it to get away from the stresses of thier parents, or of school.

Do you remember how it felt? How you could sit there in the tree and look at the sky, sit on that smoothly hidden rock and listen to the waves of the ocean, or sit in the wooden tree house where your world lived. Yet as soon as you stepped out of those worlds you were hit with the stresses of reality, So you tried to stay there as long as you could before being called away.

I had so many of those places growing up. I loved them. My favorite ones were the ones outdoors. I got to just imagine life how I liked it. It actually would calm me if I was upset. I remember thinking I could talk to the animals and I did so. I would see a bird in the tree near by and talk to them as if they were there to visit me. I was calm and relaxed. Nothing would worry me.

Everyone needs thier own special place that is only for them. It is quiet and lets them think, calm down, relax, and refresh. Just like closing your eyes for fifteen minutes, being alone in your own special hideaway can help rejuvinate you from everything. Lets you catch your breath and prepare yourself for everything that is going to come after. This place should be comfortable. Maybe it is a tree outside that you can sit down lean against, a certain room in the house, a rock in the fields that you can sit and listen to the birds and wind, a park where you can go and relax on the grass. Take time to read a book, write a letter or in a journal, close your eyes for a bit, or just watch the clouds as they roll by. Use this place to be free! Just like you did as a kid. Make up an imaginary place that you are in, sing songs to the imaginary trillyhills family of wallyhoops or whatever imaginary friends you made up.

Whatever you do, DON'T think of what you have to do the whole time! This will bring you down and it will feel as if you didn't rest at all. In fact, DON'T think like an adult at all. Think like a child and be free. Think of your favorite things and have fun doing those things (within reason). Maybe Decorate your secret spot (hanging pictures, painting the outside exterior, etc. Bring a snack and munch as you color or read a book. Just be a kid in that hideaway. Become Peter Pan, or Tinkerbell.

Secret spots can be in the open, like I said before, a park or the beach so don't go to crazy with being a kid lol. Yet DO focus on you. A friend of mine goes to the beach and she takes her notebook and writes about when she was a little girl. She says if she keeps it up she may have a book on her hands soon. I think it is wonderful and I would read it.

Today's Challenge: Go out find a secret hideaway.Your Secret Hideaway.Let me know about it. Comment below or email me. Tell me why you like that spot and what you do there. Then later go to your secret area and write about your favorite childhood memory. You may comment about that too if you like or email about it. Just have fun doing this today.

~Hugs Keyria~

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah ~Psalms 32:7

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Stress Free Tip #14 Writing

I love to write. It is a passion of mine. I love writing lists like: what I need, what I need to have, what I wish I had etc. I love to write down questions or thoughts I have. I love poetry or even if I hear something funny or a quote that I like it goes down into a notebook. Most of all I love to write down stories. I always have a notebook on me. When I don't I feel like I am well not all there. I have to have a notebook and pen (or pencil) and then I am complete.

#14 Write

I know I mentioned this under hobbies but outside of hobbies this can help. Write down what I was talking about before:

Why are you stressing?
What caused it?
What were you doing?
How were you feeling?
How do you feel now?
What can you do to avoid that? What day is it?
What time is it?
And so forth...

Writing can not only help you remember things but it also can help in case you forget something you have it written down and can go back to remember. Also if you can’t explain it outloud others can read what is going on and understand. Also write down your stresses and concerns. Sometimes it helps to see it on paper and then work out the problem.

Writing also is good at documenting something that later you need to refer to. Or Writing down facts that are needed. You write to remember dates of events, phone numbers, and birthdays.

But most of all if you are stressed it is best to write down your feelings. Get it out, let you see why you are stressed, how you are stressed, and possibly may give you an idea to how not to stress. (Maybe writing can be your stress free main sourse.)

Today's Challenge: Go out and write in a notebook how you felt today. Don't hold back but be honest on how you feel. Write what all happened good and bad. Then keep going from there. Let today be your first day of writing.

Like I said it is always good to have a notebook to write. Besides where would we be if no one had ever written? I know artists lol

“A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.”
–Richard Bach

“I admire anybody who has the guts to write anything at all.” –E. B. White, author of Charlotte’s Web

"Life is like a writers pen, you never know where the tip will end!" -Kristina Hollon, writer and author

~Hugs Keyria~

I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength ~ Phillipians 4:13

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stress Free Tip #13 Exercise

"And a one, and a two, and a three, and a four, and a five, and a six, and a seven, and a eighhhhht.Phew" Josh wiped the sweat coming off of his brow. He looked down the line of exercising strength machines. At first he seemed to have a worried face but then it was quickly erased with a grin. He got up and moved to the next machine "And a one, And a two, And a....." He did the same thing to each of the machines. Afterwards he was all grins. What would cause such a smile? Did you know that when we exercise we feel good about ourselves?

#13 Exercise

This is one of those stress free things that we have half people wanting to do and the other half of people think eww I don’t want to exercise. Exercising actually can destress you. If you have stress that is more of a aggression getting that out at the gym helps your body not only physically but mentally as well. You go and get all your frustrations out by lifting the weights or running on the treadmill. (Make sure you don’t overdo it for that can cause stress on your body) exercise will raise and then lower your heart rate. This causes your body to focus outside of the stress they had and use their focus on what is going on at hand. After a good workout you normally feel refreshed. If not than at least you are tired enough to get that well needed rest you have been needing.

There are many kinds of exercise it is not only for getting out agression but you could also go and exersise through actions:

Go out to a dancing class. Any dance class will do. Dance to the beat of the music. This was always one of my favorite things to do as a child and still is. Go take want some shaking and twirling? Try: jazz, salsa, or western. Want something that moves your feet? Try: clogging or tap. Want something a bit softer? Try going to a ballet class

Ok so what if dancing is not your style? There are many other activities that are fun that you can do for exersice: Biking, Jogging, Running, Swimming, blading, skateboarding, snowboarding, skiing, are just a few. Want something slower then that? Try walking in the park, or doing a yoga class.

Todays Challenge: Go out and do one exercise today. Have it last from 3o minutes to 1hour. (Longer if you want just dont overdo it.) Have fun with it.

Anything that gets you moving off your seat can be considered exersice (within reason). So go out today and do some exercise. Even better grab a friend and go for a bike ride, go to the gym together, go swimming or even bowling. Whatever you are doing go have fun!

~Hugs Keyria~

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. ~1Timmothy 4:8

Friday, June 25, 2010

Stress Free Tip #12 Warm Drink

I just love hot cocoa on a cold winter day. It just warms the heart. I get all cozy under my blankets, listening to the fire crackle as I sip on the hot cocoa. I was at ease. It was as if the busy days were never there. Oh how it is so fun to have a night like that.

#12 Drinks

Do you all remember when it is late at night and you would have hot cocoa, or warm tea. You may even had warm milk, all things to get you to go to bed. This was another way to calm down your body from a long day of work. They are warm drinks that you have to take time to drink. You sip them. These were drinks associated with getting into your pJ’s, curling under a blanket in front of the fire with your warm drink. This was a distressing method. This caused your body to destress from that days work even if you didn’t realize it was stressed.

You know I think that is how I am going to finish my night..... oh hehe sorry was about to go off and get cocoa.
Today's Challenge: Tonite to go get some hot cocoa, or tea, or milk or whatever is nice and warm. Sit down and cover yourself with a comfy blanket. Some may get to use thier fireplaces tonight but if you dont have a fireplace then go and put on some calm soft music and listen to it (you can do this even if you have a fireplace too) and just relax to the music. Don't think about anything but focus on the fire or sipping your drink. Have a wonderful quiet soft evening,

Well my hot cocoa is calling me so I will talk to you all tomorrow :) Have a wonderful night.

~Hugs Keyria~
*Thank you to my friends for sending me the coffee cup. If anyone would like to know more about the coffee cup please leave me a email or comment. Websites on cup are found to the right 0f this blog*

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Stress Free Tip #11 massages and aroma therapy

"I love the smell of spring time. The flowers are blooming the birds are chirping. The bees are huming" Said Tori as she and her best friend Amy walked through the park. "mmm honey!" Said Amy. Amy was always baking and cooking. She was in college to be a chief. "Yes I love the smell of honey" She repeated. "I wish it was always like this. Where we smell the freshness of the world around us...but we have to go back to the city sometime or another." Tori looked down at her shoes. "Camping" she said thinking of the way pine smells and the early morning frost. "BBQ" Said Amy. "Christmas, oh I love the smells of Christmas." Tori said. "Yes, Gingerbread men or thanksgivings pumpkin spices, or valentine and easters chocolate delights" The girls started to laugh. They turned the corner to where the city stood. It was a nice early morning stroll but now it was time for some pampering. Up the stairs and into the second building they went. "Welcome to renew you spa" Said the lady in the building.

#11 Smells and Massages

Oh the spa. What a pleasure to go visit. Whoever came up with the spa and retreats idea were very smart. They knew that everyone has stress and wants to become stress free. So the made up a spa or retreat or both. From massages that help our muscles relax to warm baths to relax our tension. We have wonderful soft music and then to top it off they have aroma therapy… yep smells.

How funny that smells can actually affect us. In a good or a bad way. We love the good way where we are smelling the things that bring that smile to our face. Those are the smells we have on our incsence, pillow sprays, and lotions. Aroma therapy is smells that help relaxes us. Lavender is actually a calming smell. It is used to put someone at ease.

However, did you know you can get headaches from a certain smell, or you may even be allergic to a smell. So we have to be careful of the smells that we use to relax us. Always pay attention to the smells around you!

Todays Challenge:
Take today and go for a walk in the park, go check out all the different flowers and thier smells or if you are allergic to outside pollen try finding some insence and burning it like lavender.
"The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land" Song of Solomon 2:12
~Hugs Keyria~

On Look Out

Ok, so I came in early to make sure no one was hiding like OG Richie did. I wanted to make sure he wasnt back to throw my tips around again. I can't believe he did that just to put up a blog of his own. Sheesh some people....

so I looked:
in every corner,
every hole,
left and right and I dont see anyone.

I even checked to make sure all avatars, game role players , and any other gaming spy he may use was not in here. Hmm it looks like for sure he is gone. Either way I locked the door so no more distractions...
I mean it was kinda rude, even though he put up some great information, for him to just take over my blog. Plus to throw my tips all over so I would be busy picking them up just so he can write what he wanted.... I think he was trying to start something....

I wonder if I should get him back... if not just for throwing the tips all over. Well if you all have any ideas let me know. Comment or email me.

Oh that reminds me, I picked up all the tips and are you ready to hear the Tip number 11? Tip number 11 is.....

....wait. Shhh! I hear footsteps....
Sounds like they stopped at my door. The handle is being rattled.....
Oh man I am biting my nails this is not good! Shhh .............................................

........ok looks like the footsteps are leaving.. I have to be quiet or he may hear typing clicks.... Come back at 9:00 Am to read it. It will be up then. For now I need to do my own investigation to see if that was him coming back to try it again....
~Hugs Keys~
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah ~Psalms 32:7

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Stress Free Tip.....Who just took my blog???

Wow this has been a week full of tips already...... Hey..... wait..... what are you doing? .....Give me back my keyboard...My tips you knocked them over they are everywhere.... Give me baaaaacccck......

This Blog is brought to you by Online Gamer Richie Of Online Games Your Way

GAMING WOOT YEA!!! - Stresser or Not?

Ok gaming is my favorite way to de-stress, but you can't de-stress with all games.

Some games can actually add to your stressing, or even parts of some games can stress you out.
Example: World Of Warcraft, great game lots of stuff to do. This game can be very stressful, in many ways such as raiding or PvP. Most mmorpg's (massive multiplayer online role playing games) are like this.

The games you want to de-stress with are known as Casual Games. Games like Bejeweled or Hidden Object games, one where the objective is simple. You can find many of these casual games on my game site Online Games Your Way, The Flash Games there are great casual games. There are many types of games there for all types of players.

So Why are some games stressors and others not? This is all dependent upon one’s own personality. Take me as an example. I am “Highly competitive”; So PvP (Player Vs Player) can be a stressor for me if I am in the wrong set of mind for it. If I hop into say a mmorpg and go to PvP I could be stressing myself out even more.

However If I instead head out to do some simple quests or grinding (it’s a repetitive way of fighting mobs for loot), often at times that relaxes me.

But if I want to truly relax I go Play games with simple goals, Puzzle, Hidden Object and Physics type games are my favorite to relax with.

Puzzle games - These get your mind working on figuring something out distracting it from all the stressors you have been under.

Physic games- No you don’t need to know math or science for these. It’s just these games are based on that. Often times you’re figuring out how to get things to something or set up in a way to allow something to get somewhere. It’s like a puzzle but more interactive.

Hidden Object games- These games get you to relax because if you do not, you can't find anything on your screen. Besides these ones are fun because sometimes the objects you’re looking for are strange and funny.

So Remember Gaming can be a great De-Stressor but you have to be careful not to take the game to seriously.

As Always
Play The Game Your Way

......... Now wait, come back here! You cant just type and zip file away....or can you? Well that was very informative, Games, a fun way to de-stress. He did say I can go to and play alot of free games right? Well since I feel kinda stressed about trying to get the tips back in order I think I am going to head over and play a game or two... Tip Number 11 will come tomorrow.
Todays Challenge: Go to the link above and play a game or two or read some blogs.
~Hugs Keyria~
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Psalms 119:105

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Stress Free Method #10 They Joy of Laughter

Hahahahaha Hohohoho hehehehehehe hahaha lol lol ROFL hahah hehehehee Hahahahaha! Oh I love to laugh don't you? Laughing is a joy of life. Can you imagine if there was no laughter?

#10 Laughing

Knock knock….who’s there.” We have all heard many of these jokes, and with most of the jokes we laugh. We say “hahaha Thanks I needed that.” This is true. A good laughter helps with distressing. When they say laughter is the best medicine they are right. Laughter is a great medicine. Laughter actually makes you move and tightens some of your muscles up for exercise lol. And we all know exercise is good so laugh and laugh some more. Give your tickle bone a good work out.

Everyone has different senses of humor. I am very kiddish and I like humor that you can find on kiddie shows, movies, series. So go look up George Lopez, Bob Smiley, Bill Engvall, Jeff Foxworthy, Jeff Dunham, Dane Cook.... or whoever you like to watch and get out a good laugh. There are so many great comedians out there. Find some you like and go for it.

Knock knock
Whos there
Seal who?
Seal you tomorrow ......(Seal = see all )

haha ok not the best one but it is my own lol.
Todays Challege: I want you to go find a joke you like. Tell a friend, write it down or just enjoy the joke in itself. Or go look up a fun comedian and laugh. Today I just want you to Laugh!

~Hugs Keyria~

A joyful heart is good medicine, a crushed spirit dries up the bones. Prov. 17:22
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter,and your lips with shouting. Job 8:21

Monday, June 21, 2010

Stress Free Method #9 Music and Pets

I went out and was asking my friends.... What calms you from stress? Almost all of them mentioned these two things: Music and Pets. What a combination huh.

#9 Music and Pets

It is amazing how little things can affect big things. Just to turn on some soft music, or music you enjoy listening too can actually calm your nerves. When I put on music (I like a lot of kinds especially: Christian, Jazz, Classical, Oldies, Pop…ok ok this can go on for a while) it relaxes me. It is a meditation in itself. I like to also put on sounds of the ocean, I can close my eyes (remember to rest) and pretend I am there. This takes my mind off of the stress at hand. This lets me relax and clears my mind. That way I can take on the problem with a fresh new start.

Also, having a pet can actually lower your stress level. I have read so many things about how petting a animal can lower your stress level. This is great! (Especially if you are an animal lover and you are non-allergic). This also keeps you from going into extremes because you know you have to care for something. I met a person that once told me if they didn’t have any pets, they probably would have done suicide already. But they can’t stand the idea of leaving them with anyone.
Todays Challenge: Go put on some music grab your pet and dance lol. Ok maybe not in that order. Go put on music and relax to it or have fun with it. Take your pet and give them a good brushing, pet them to let them know they are loved.
~Hugs Keyria~

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stress Free Method #8 Family and Friends support

Many people dont like the idea of asking for help. They would rather try to finish the goal at hand on thier own. They dont realize that asking for help may be the the solution they needed:

#8 Support from Friends and Family

Invite over your friends or family. Whenever you stress a good stress reliever is having another person being around. It is amazing how we can stress and then a call from a friend or a visit from them can make that stress just vanish. Friends and Family will take our minds off of stress, they have this magical touch to cheer you up. They start it off by making you laugh, they keep you laughing and follow to the end with laughter. They can be the solution to any problem you may have, all you have to do is ask.

It is hard to be stressed when my friends show up. They make me laugh and release my tension I am having. I will be cleaning house and you all know that cleaning house is not a fun chore. Yet, a friend showed up and we laughed as they helped me clean. We were doing mop shows and singing at the top of our lungs as we danced with the dust pan and broom. We had a blast. It didn’t seem like the mess I had before and the stress was gone. We often kidnap each other and run to the beach alot. This makes it hard for us to be down when we are out in the water having fun.”

Isn't it amazing how a friend knows the right words to say to make you laugh? Or how your family knows the right words that can make you feel comforted and safe? Yet we take asking friends and family for granted. We just assume they can not help when in reality they may be the only solution left. They may be the ones that can cure the stress and finish the goal. We assume the wouldn't want to help with our little problem. Yet if you ask friends and family they always have an open ear to listen and a mouth to give good advice through. They also feel comforted when you share with them. The best of it all is that they are close to you so you don't have to feel judged. They dont look down on you instead they are filled with love for you.

Todays Challenge: So what are you waiting for? Go tell your family, go tell your friends why it is that you are stressing. Brainstorm together and find a way for you to overcome this feeling. Go have a fun filled day with them or even a few minutes. Let everything out and just enjoy the company. If you can treat them out (to the movies, dinner or whereever) maybe they are the ones that need to destress.

Ready for another method? Well than come back tomorrow to get it.

~Hugs Keyria~

And I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.” ~ 2 Corinthians 6:18~

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Stress Free Method #7 They joy of a catnap

Ok so I am sure we all have been told this one before. In fact throughout our life we were told this one. From being a child and our parent saying "You'd better be asleep when I walk in that room" whether that was our nap time or bed time we knew our parents meant it. Then as we got older we would hear others all over saying how important sleep is. I remember being little and thinking how can you want to sleep there is soooo much to do. Yet as I grew up I found myself more and more exhausted and thinking if only I could have a break.... a nap. Just a small catnap.


We all need it. Sometimes all it is for us to stress is that our body is lacking sleep. Go take a nap for a little bit. If you are at a place that you can’t take a nap, then take a break and rest for a bit. Just closing your eyes for 15 minutes can help your body feel more relaxed. We need to try and get our full 7-8 hours of sleep in. If we can’t then our body will react on us and not always in a good way. We may have bags under our eyes or we may fall asleep in a very important meeting we were supposed to hear. Some may get headaches or can’t focus clearly. Rest is really important if you even think you need close your eyes then do. Your body is telling you it needs to rest.
“I work long hours at a very fast pace job. It is always rushing around, loud noises, and fast talking. As soon as my break hits I do the opposite. I put on a little music and I rest my head as if everything were slow around me. I don’t move I just stay still and let the music dance slowly in my head. This helps me to feel more relaxed when I go back to work after my break. I get to just slow down and feel a refreshed start again.”
Todays Challenge: Take a 15minute cat nap today. You may be surprised about the results of the rest of your day! Well I will see you tomorrow for another stress-free method.

~Hugs Keyria~

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" ~Matthew 11:28

Friday, June 18, 2010

Stress Free Method #6 Be a child at heart

I don't want to grow up I love being a kid, there are lots of toys that I play with from video games, bikes and planes, I just want to be a a kid, .... of course the song for that goes differently and is for a toy store but basically that was our thought process as we got older. A lot of us take for granted the youth we once had. We wanted to grow up so fast that we completely missed the joy of being that kid. The 6th method is:

6) Be a Kid Again

Have you noticed how when you were a very little kid nothing really worried you? You were fearless, brave, you didn't understand pain until it happened. You were free to run around and a play. Your stress wasn’t there in your life at that age (..In most cases that is). Pretend you are a kid and go back to doing kid activities. This, like finding a hobby will change your thoughts to focus on something else.

Here are a few kid activities you could do.
*Play legos (we even have lego land out there for us big kids)
* Color, draw, Paint
* Sing a silly song
* Dance a little
* Read a story book or a comic book
* Play with play dough or finger-paint
* Have a water balloon fight, Water gun or even paint ball.
* Play tag or lazer tag
* Go to an amusement park, they're a playground for big kids and little kids of ALL ages)
* Play a video game. A fun gaming site is
Online Games Your Way

When we act like a child our worries are not there. We do not know what stress is or even what it means. To us we only know that we want to be Peter Pan the boy that stayed a boy forever (that is unless you watched Hook). The second star to the right and straight on till morning is Neverland, a place that we all need to go back and visit.

Todays Challenge: What was your favorite childhood activity? Write a comment or email me and let me know. Then I want you to relive one of the activities: Go get on a swing at a park, go play with playdough, paint or color, or pull out a old kids board game and get your friends and family involved. You will remember how much fun it was to be a kid or even what it was like to be a kid.

~Hugs Keyria~

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." ~Jesus in Mark 10:14~

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stress Free Method #5 Hobbies

This is one of my favorite stress free methods

#5 Find a Hobby

When stress hits always STOP whatever you are doing and do something you enjoy doing. Find a hobby. Hobbies are things you enjoy doing. This will cause your mind to focus on something fun and pleasurable that it will calm down the stress. Hobbies are great because they are part of who you are. Not only that they can sometimes take off and become a source of income. You can have a career in your hobby.

I know many people who have different hobbies. Like Adam who played football that was a fun activity but for those who play it alot more it can be a fun hobby. I know guys who love sports. I have a friend that plays the piano non-stop. It is very hard to pull him away from it. The piano is his hobby. Maybe that is a hobby for you to find a instrument and start to learn how to play it. I have another friend that loves to do arts and crafts like scrapbooking and stamping. I know a friend that likes to draw and another who collects things. One of my friend makes me laugh her hobby she says is to color. I myself love Photography. This allows me to go out on walks or different places and see something that God made so beautiful and try to capture that exact moment. My other hobby is traveling, I love to go to the ocean. But it is not always easy to just get up and go so try to find a hobby that you can do anywhere at any time like photography.

Todays Challenge: So find a hobby you enjoy and can do any time you need to. Once you find the hobby start working on it by hands on and researching.

TR's Work From Home Ideas, Tips and Resources is a site that talks about turning your hobbies into profit as well as much more.

What are some of the hobbies you like to do? Comment or write a message about your hobbies. See you tomorrow with # 6.

~Hugs Keyria~

"Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." ~Philippians 1:6 New International Version

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stress Free Method #4 changing activities

The first three stress Free methods I gave yesterday, so look at the blog before for those three. Todays strees free method is one I would like everyone to try.

#4 Change of activity

Sometimes we stress because of the action we are doing. We just need to change how we are doing the activity or change the activity all together. Changing the activity can help with your health as well. Imagine if everytime you were to get on a stage to sing a song you would have a panic attack. This caused you to start gasping for air, and then you faint. Each time you get on stage the same out come would happen. So the problem is being up on the stage. So what if you were to change the activity a bit. Maybe change the act a bit. Instead of being on the stage use puppets and be the voice over, or have your focus on something instead of the crowd. Maybe even sit in the audience and then sing when it was your turn. This would shock the audience that you were part of the act. Maybe even try singing offstage... if these dont work maybe singing on a stage is not for you. Maybe try something differnt, like teaching others to sing, singing in a studio, singing for just friends and family or even singing and video taping it and placing it up on the net.

"My friend loves going to the ocean. She finds so much pleasure in it. It calms her nerves and feels her with joy. The best part of it she says is going on a boat to go see the whales. She is up front with the wind in her hair as the boat bounces above the waves. However I am not calm wth the water. I get so nervous when I am on the boat. So nervous that after we get off I am usually sick. My stress level peaks while being out in the ocean. My friend is amazing though. She wants to make me happy so to help me change our activity of going to see whales, we go to the beach and just rest near the shore on the rocks. Then we go to the museums and watch videos on the whales. I know that she would rather be out there on the shore but she knows my nerves wont allow it. So we have redirected our activity to do other activites that are just as fun. We now not only go to the beach but we have time to go do other stuff. The last time we were up near the oceean we watched in 3D a movie about Sea Monsters. It was amazing and we didnt have to have bonoculars to go see them." ~Sean

Adam loved playing sports especially football but his leg had been injured during a game. This caused him not to be able to play the sports he loved. He didn’t like the idea of this so he would try to sneak out and play with friends against the wishes of his parents and doctors. This made his leg even more hurt. Adam couldn’t imagine not being able to play a sport. For treatment on his leg he had to do water therapy. As he was in the pool one day his friends came over and said “This is great!!! “ “What is great?” Asked Adam. “You know what kind of sports we can do in the water?” Adam never thought of switching over to water and he still would be doing water therapy. The rules of games changed to accommodate his leg injury. This was so that no one could swim on top or on accidently hurt his leg. Instead of being on a field playing foot ball they were in the water playing volleyball. Adams leg got better and as it did he was able to do more things. The redirected his games from outside the pool to inside it. He never did sneak out to play with his friend for they were all there in the pool with him.

Todays challenge: What ways can you redirect the activity causing you stress? Or what can you do instead? Make a list then try one of them.

Ready for #5? Come back tomorrow to find out what it is.

~Hugs Keyria~

He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.

~Proverbs 21:21 ~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Stress Free Methods #1-3 breathe, enviornment, change mind

Hello all. Did you miss me? I missed you. I haven’t been on in the last two days because I had a goal which had a deadline I needed to finish. This goal was to make a lesson and teach it to kids the next day. I decided to put all my focus into that and learning what I needed to make sure the lesson ran through smoothly. And great news the goal was completed successfully. Yes I did do a few other things but I didn’t overwhelm myself with trying to do EVERYTHING. I picked a few goals out and worked on them. Focusing mainly on the deadline one. I was even blessed to go see a couple of movies at the theater which I normally don’t do often. And I did a small bit of cleaning around the house. I told myself that if the other goals didn’t get done it would be ok. For those goals were not hurting anyone, wasn’t a do or die situation and it would still be there later for me to pick up where I left off.

I wanted to give you some tips on destressing. There are many ways to do this. Each person deals with stress differently as I have said before. So for the following week or so I will be giving you a tip or a way that you may destress your life. Now some of these you may have already heard before, some you may already do and some you may not do. However some of these you may have wanted to try. These are just ideas for you to go out and use and see which one works for you. People say all the time I have tried everything and I still stress…. But have they really tried everything?? For the next week or so I want you to try each one of the following and write me to say which ones worked or did not work for you. You would be surprised at what may work and what you would think does work doesn’t really work.

#1: Breathe

The very first thing we should do is focus on our breathing. As soon as you feel stress is coming on stop whatever you are doing and focus on your breathing. Most people don’t focus on breathing. They are too busy worrying that they may find that they stop breathing for a period of time. This causes your heart to overwork. It may cause many different symptoms like chest pain that we saw with Tommy or it may even cause a heart attack. Breathing is the very essential of our life. We need to breathe to live. So when you start feeling stressed out STOP whatever it is that is going on around you and focus on your breathing

A friend of mine remembered a time when she got on to her first roller coaster. She was very frightened. She started to feel very stressed and kept thinking “What am I doing? I need to get off of this thing” before the ride even started. But before she had a chance to say anything the roller coaster took off. Her friends were screaming and smiling and laughing enjoying the ride while she was holding on for her life and was tightened all over. When the first downward motion of the train happened she started to panic, turning white all over. “Relax” She told herself. Realizing that she was holding her breathe. “Just breathe.” So for the rest of the ride she focused on breathing in and out. After the ride was finished she realized it wasn’t that bad. You just have to relax and let your stress go. She actually went back on the same roller coaster!

Because I was off for two days I decided to give you two more:

#2:Change of Environment

This is one thing I can say really does help. If you are cooped up in a room all day just a step outside for five minutes to get a breath of fresh air can make a world of a difference. You need to be able to change your surroundings. When most stress it is because of the situation they are in at that moment. So to distress take away the situation. Move away from it. This change causes your body to relax more. This does not mean run from the situation but like above take a breather. Just being out in the sun can help a person who has been cooped up way from the sun. That natural light helps reenergize us.

“I work all day inside a cubicle in a office. There are hardly any windows and the lights are not the brightest. It is tedious work. It can be very mind draining at times. There is so much paper work that it can get very stressful. To help me from stressing so much I go out and take a walk around the block. I love the fresh air.This helps me to clear my mind and focus more.” ~Kimberly a business executive.

#3: Clear Your Mind

Redirect your thoughts to more positive things. It is the same aspect as looking as a child. When they have gotten something they are not supposed to we take what they are not supposed to have but replace it with something they can have. Example a young child found a pen and has started to scribble in a book. To redirect we would take away the pen and book but lead them to a table with crayons and plain sheets of paper. So to redirect your mind is to change your mindset. This can be hard at times but luckily there are many methods out there that can help you do this.

*Call a friend
*Read a Book

*Watch TV
*Watch a movie
*Look up jokes
* That is just a few I am sure you can make a list of more ways.

With each tip I am going to have a challenge. I want you to try and do each one of those challenges. It is only one a day and they are not very hard. We will start with today;

Todays Challenge: JUST BREATHE! Yep, it is that easy lol. All I want you to do today is breathe. If you start to feel stress come on. Stop what you are doing and breathe.

Until Next time....

~Hugs Keyria~

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. ~Proverbs 3:3 ~

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tommy's Story Conclusion

"Excuse me, But you are you are in MY tree house" This red hair boy said. "And you did not ask for permission to be here." "Oh I am sorry, we didn’t think anyone owned it, there was no houses around it and it looked old, dusty and abandoned. Come on Joshy we need to go." Tommy woke his little brother up, and tried to get him moving. "I don’t want to go Tommy, pleeeeease let me sleep a bit longer" he said as he curled up tighter into a ball. "Joshy this tree house is owned by someone. We have to leave." Tommy turned to the boy. "We really are sorry" the boy looked at both of them. He saw the dirt all over their faces and clothes and the scars from sleeping on the rough pavements at night. He could see the bags under their eyes. Joshy coughed as Tommy tried to pick him up.

The boy looked back and forth. "Are you two homeless? Where are your parents?" Tommy said sorry again and he rushed Joshy out of the tree house. "Hey wait, maybe I can help." Tommy stopped and looked at the boy. "Thanks but we are ok." He started to turn when the boy said. "Are you hungry?" he looked again at the boy. "Stay here; let me get you some food." Tommy was nervous to do so but he looked at Joshy and knew he needed to eat. Tommy anxiously stayed watching around them like a hawk. Making sure no one saw them. The red head boy returned with some food and drinks. "I am Danny what is your name?" he asked, as he watched Joshy scarf down the food. Tommy placed his food into their backpack thinking he can use it later for Joshy when he needed to eat. "Mmm this is soooo good." Joshy said. Tommy wasn’t sure giving their names was a bright idea. "Thank you, so much for your kindness. We really ought to be going." He started to move Joshy while Joshy was still eating.

"Don't leave. I can help you. Please let me help. My church is always taking care of the homeless. They give FREE bags of food and give FREE shelter to those that need it." Joshy looked at Tommy with begging eyes. Tommy knew Joshy just wanted to have one night indoors in a bed. "Thanks but..." before he could finish Danny said "I have video games! Come with me. You don’t have to stay, just come play for a small bit." "We can't...." again he was interrupted but this time it was Joshy.”Oh Please, Tommy please." he looked at Joshy. Then back at Danny. Tommy sighed "Ok but only for a small bit. When I say we have to go, then we have to leave. No complaining." Joshy grabbed his waist and hugged him. He coughed again.

Danny took them down the street to a house on a corner. Tommy started to have second thoughts. "Come on. It is ok. My big brother is the only one home. Mom and Dad went to get some groceries." Danny led them into the house up some stairs to the first door on the right. Inside was a bed and lots of toys and a TV with a video game system hooked up to it. "Sit." Danny said as they came in. Danny Turned on the video system and handed both of them the controllers. Tommy turned it down "If you don’t mind, I would rather just watch. “ Joshy and you should play.” Danny shrugged and began to play a video game with Joshy.

A few hours later Danny's parents came home. His mother heard a cough coming from his room. "Oh that does not sound lovely. It sounds like Danny has caught a cold." She headed up the stairs to see if he was ok. Danny overheard his parents coming home snuck quietly out of his room and met his mother on the stairs. He put a finger to his mouth to tell her to be quiet and led her back down stairs. As soon as she reached the bottom she heard the cough again, still coming from his room.

She turned to go back up but he grabbed her hand and led her into the front room where his dad was already sitting on the sofa. "Before you ask let me talk.... We have to help them. I found them hiding in my tree house...." "Who?" His mother asked. "These two boys: Tommy and his little brother Joshy. I think they are homeless. The little one seems really sick and the older one has grabbed his chest a few times. I don't think they have had a lot of sleep. Tommy fell asleep less than ten minutes after being here and Joshy 30 minutes later." His mother held her hands covering her mouth as Danny spoke. His father kept looking to the stairs. "Please we need to help them." Both parents went slowly and quietly up the stairs. They peeked inside his room. His mother gasped. Then she whispered to Danny "Don't wake them. I need to talk to your father."

Tommy woke a few hours later and found a blanket on him and a pillow tucked gently under his head; he looked over and saw Joshy had the same thing. Suddenly he got scared. We need to go, before they call the cops to come get us. Tommy thought. He went over to Joshy and quietly woke him up "Shhh it's time to go." "But I don’t want to" Joshy said. "Remember you promised no complaining." Joshy remembered and nodded his head. They slowly moved around folding their blankets and placing them neatly next to the pillows that were given for their use. Tommy looked around. Danny was asleep in his bed. I wonder what time it is? Tommy thought. Joshy coughed. "Shhh" Tommy said. Suddenly he noticed their backpacks were nowhere in sight. He looked at Joshy "Do you know where our bags are?" he whispered. Joshy just shook his head no. He started to quickly and quietly move around the room looking for them. Fear struck him. "We have to go now, with or without those bags. He grabbed Joshy and started to leave. He quietly closed the door behind him and turned around to see a man standing nearby. His chest shot a pain like none before. He grabbed his chest and fell. "Tommy!" yelled Joshy.

Tommy was picked up and carried down stairs. The man started checking his pulse. "I am going to take them to the doctors. Go wake Jamie to watch after Danny" he said to the lady who had come to the stairs after hearing the scream. She went and woke the older brother and told him to watch Danny. Luckily both boys slept through the scream so she didn't have them worried too. She grabbed a blanket, her purse and met the guy out by the car. He had already got Tommy into the seat and Joshy next to him. "If he starts to close his eyes I need you to tell me" he told the little boy. Joshy just nodded wide eyed. "It is going to be ok" Tommy tried to protest everything but was too weak and felt the pain attacking him non-stop.

The doctor came in with the father and mother of Danny, and sat next to Tommy's bed. Tommy looked at them then looked down. He knew this was it. They were caught and would have to return to an abusive father and a bickering mother. He was prepared to do this all over again if he could save Joshy. Then he realized Joshy wasn't in the room with them. "Where is my little brother?" "He is ok, he is being looked after by Michelle one of our nurses here. He is a very funny boy that Josh" "Joshy" Tommy mumbled under his breath. "He is very brave, just like his older brother." Tommy looked at his hands. He knew the question was going to come up and here it came. "Where are your parents?" the Doctor asked. "We don't have any...we are .... Orphans" Tommy said. Hoping that would end the questioning but of course it didn't. "Orphans huh, Well you are a very brave lad taking care of your brother. However I think there is more to this story then you are telling me." Tommy looked at his hands again.

"Your brother had a very bad cough. He could have died. I know you mean well by taking care of him but how were you going to support yourselves?" The mother spoke up. "Do you know why you were rushed to the hospital?" The father asked. "Because I fell?" Tommy asked but knew better. "You are stressing your body out, both of your bodies. Your little brother is not ready for this kind of environment and neither are you. The pain you are having is from stress." The doctor said. "What is your goal?" asked the father. "My goal was to keep us safe, to protect Joshy, to take away the hurt and pain we are having and to live stress free....." he trailed off as soon as he said stress free. "This isn't stress free is it?" asked the father. "Tommy shook his head no. "You can’t run from your problems all they do is catch up with you. Your problems hang on to you so it is easy for them to catch up." Tommy fidgeted in the hospital bed.

"Here is your choice. You can keep running and never go anywhere or you can let us help you. It is up to you. My wife and I would love to help you and your little brother." The mother reached across and placed her hand affectionately on his. He never could recall a time when he felt true warmth from love. He looked up at her. "Please, let us help. Not always are things going to be easy in life but we can help you through them."

Tommy never asked for help instead he was being asked if he could be helped. His mind processes was always put up a wall, don’t trust others and protect what you have. Here was someone telling him to take down that wall and trust others, even if things get rough there is always a way out. He was not used to this. At first Tommy struggled with opening up, later he started to open up more and more. It took a long time for him to fully trust another person.

Now I can tell you it was mostly happily ever after. Tommy and Joshy's real parents lost custody of them and they were adopted by Danny's parents. The pain that Tommy had and the cough that Joshy had went away. Their life is a lot different. The father has taught Tommy that when he stressed not to run instead to face it straight on. He showed him different techniques of how to overcome things. Like instead of struggling on not remembering things for a test he makes up a rap to remember what he has to learn, or when he gets pains he goes into the front room sits down and prays. Tommy and Joshy's life have changed for the better.

Phillip opened his mailbox and received a card: Hey I am stoked over the ski trip we have planned. Danny, Jamie, Joshy You, Dawn, and I are going to have a blast lol and of course our parents will too. Dad has already rented our cabins and equipment. You don’t need anything, other than yourself!! Phillip smiled.

So as you see each deals with stress differently. Phillip ignored it, and Tommy ran from it. Both learned that ignoring and running does not make it go away. They had to confront stress and work on solutions. It is not always the best idea to do it alone. You may learn so much more with others help. They can support you.

How do you cope with stress? Send me a comment or an email and let me know.

~Hugs Keyria~

I love you, Lord, You are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior. My God is my rock in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me and my place of safety. I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and He saved me from my enemies." Psalm 18:1-3

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tommys Story continued again

Tommy had thought of a plan that night.

A few days later he was in his room late at night. He had started to pack some clothes for him and his brother, he grabbed a few necessary items, and some money he had saved from doing odd jobs his parents didn’t know about. (He never did get allowance from his parents). Ok I think I have everything he thought and she shoved it into his backpack. He was all ready that morning to leave the house. He had an extra bag with more items needed and he was glad it was a bit cold outside to give him an excuse for them to have their jackets. He knew it was going to get cold for what he was doing.

“What do you go there?” His dad asked as he was heading out the door. “Oh it is my art project for school I didn’t want it to get smashed inside my school backpack.” “That looks pretty big let me see” Tommy froze right then he heard a honk. “oh there is our ride, I will show you when I get home.” Tommy said running out the door with his little brother. They ran over to the bus which his mother had agreed to let him and his little brother take this morning. They hopped on and sat down. Sharp pain happened again in his chest. He was getting used to how to stop it. He held his breath and waited. Sure enough it ended after a little bit. They hopped off the bus and started on their way to school. Before they got there Tommy told joshy to turn down a road before.

Joshy looked confused but he obeyed. They headed towards the end of the street. They walked for quite some time until they had made their way to the train station. Tommy handed a paper to the person selling tickets. She took it read it then looked at him. “Ok so you two are going to visit your grandma.” She said not really in a question but a statement. “Why can’t parents be more responsible? I know you are old enough but still I can’t imagine having my highschooler going off alone. ” She sighed and told him how much it was. Tommy was holding onto joshy’s hand tightly. He relaxed his grip as soon as she handed him the tickets. His plan was working. A few nights ago when he thought of the plan he worked everything out. One of his ideas was to call in advance the next day to order tickets. He used a pay phone near school to call in to the train station and pretended to be his father.

They sat down and waited for a train. He was grateful joshy was being so quiet and not asking questions. He wondered if joshy knew what was going on. But he didn’t want to ask him right then. Not there at the station where someone could overhear them. The train came and they boarded. A few minutes later they were gone away from the place that he had horrid nightmares from. Away from that awful stressful place.

For Tommy this was the only solution he could think of. To run away from the stress, To run away and save his brother from the pain. Many of us are like this. We cope by pushing it to the back of our heads, pretending there was never any stress or trying to run away. But is that really how we can cope with it?? In reality it comes back to us.

Sadly I would love to say Tommy’s story was a happy ever after but…

A few months had gone by they were living on the streets. Tommy was very protective of his brother and they learned where to avoid walking. Tommy found a few odd jobs but money for food was scarce, and joshy was getting sicker then he had ever seen him get. To top it off his chest pains were more frequent and he was more scared for their lives than ever. He thought this was a stress free plan but it turns out it only added stress. They were in fear of going home so they hid every time they say cops. They were in fear of certain alleys and fear of not finding a spot to sleep at night. He was able to get one blanket into a bag of course it was a light weight throw blanket but it kept joshy warmer at night. What did I get us into? Tommy Thought?

Each person deals with stress differently. Phillip at first pushed it to the back of his mind, but then he faced it head on. Tommy ran away from it. He ran to try and save him and his brother but running away and pushing it to the back of their heads seemed to be backfiring. I wonder if Tommy will find a way out of the situation, away that will cure all this stress. Guess we will just have to wait and see.

~Hugs Keyria~

"I come to You for protection, O Lord, my God. Save me from my persecutors-rescue me!" Psalm 7:1

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He recues those whose spirits are crushed." Psalm 34:18

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tommy's Story continued

Yay your back well lets find out what happens :)

As school started his thoughts were far from the subject being taught.

During break Phillip and his girl Dawn came by. “Hey I have an idea. Why don’t you study with us on the breaks and after school come get some grub and do your schoolwork.” Phillip said excitedly. Tommy smiled “The breaks may work but I have to be home for chores after school. I am not allowed to dilly dally as my parents call it. Thanks guys you really are good friends. “So for the rest of the break Phillip tried to help him with school work. Phillip could see Tommy’s mind wonder away from the school work and he knew this was going to be a bigger struggle for Tommy than it was for him. Tommy gathered his things got his little brother and was on his way home. His little brother had a bruise on his arm that he doesn’t remember if he saw in the morning or not. “What happened?” He asked him.

His brother kept quiet and looked down. “Did someone in your class do this to you?” The little boy shook his head no. “Did someone at school do this to you?” He asked thinking maybe it was someone in a different class, but again his little brother shook his head no. He looked at him and could see the tears swelling up in his eyes. “Who did this?”He asked again getting upset with the person who did it even though he was not to sure who that was right now. The little boy kept quiet.

At home Tommy finished doing all the chores on a paper that his mother pinned to his bedroom door. Chores like: raking, mowing, taking out the trash, cleaning the dishes, getting the table prepared for dinner, cleaning his room, putting the laundry into the laundry machine, sweeping the tile floors and vacuuming the carpeted floors. There was more than he had time for. By the time he finished, his mother told him to make dinner because she was too tired to. He walked into the kitchen tired and sighed. His mother heard the sigh and yelled “If you are going to have an attitude you get to make it and not eat it. You will have to go straight to bed. Is that what you are wanting?” “No, Ma’am” Tommy responded.

He heard his dad come home and slammed the door. Two seconds later Tommy’s little brother was standing next to him and his eyes watering a bit. “I know I don’t like their fights either” Tommy whispered. He could already hear the fight start up. His mother was asking why Father was home late and he accused her of being a spy. “Where’s dinner” his dad demanded. “I didn’t make any” She responded back. This blew them up into a bigger fight. His dad came storming into the room. Looked at Tommy who was making dinner and then at joshy who was standing next to him. “What are you making?” he asked. “Hotdogs and macaroni and cheese” Tommy responded carefully. His dad grunted and walked out of the room. Joshy clinged to Tommy’s side for the rest of the night.

Another sleepless night he thought as he looked at the clock. 2 am it read. He sighed looked over to see if Joshy was still next to him. He was. Well I guess I should try getting some school work done since I didn’t get to after dinner. The onetime joshy didn’t cling on to him was when he was out chopping wood for their fire place. That was when their dad came and got joshy saying he should not be around the dangerous items. As soon as Tommy had gotten done with the wood cutting it was bed time. He had heard a knock at the door not more then ten minutes later and let his little brother in. As he sat there doing homework he noticed joshy was read around his arms and it looked as if there was another bruise this time on his right leg. He examined it as joshy slept. Shrugged it off, kids get hurt all the time he thought and then went back to homework.

Not more then five minutes later he had a painful realization. He remembered joshy’s watered eyes as soon as their dad got there and how he clung to him as much as he could. He then remembered how he had gotten hit as a child but thought it was because he was a bad kid. But joshy doesn’t do anything wrong. The sharp pain came into his chest again. He tried to gasp for air but it only hurt him worse. He held his breath and waited a few seconds later it was gone. The stress was hurting him and he couldn’t take much more of it. We have to get out of here. He thought But how?

Tommys Goal: To get his brother and him out of the situation they are now in.
Ok so he hasn't figured out how to handle his stress. Instead it looks like more stress is happening. What do you think Tommy should do? Write a comment saying what you would do.
As far as finding out what happens well we know we must wait till tomorrow. I will see you all then.

Have a blessed day

~Hugs Keyria~

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7-8)