Friday, June 3, 2011

Catching up

First I need to apologize for not writing sooner. I have to tell you though I finally finished one major goal on my long term goals list. I am now a graduate and have my AA. YAY lol.

Now here is something I did while I was working on my goal to finish college:

Morning Goal Blues

I woke up early, gave my dog a hug

I rolled to the right and screamed, there was a bug

Just lying on the pillow I hope it had a nice nap

I threw it in the garbage then adjusted my night cap

I went to a take a shower because now I felt icky

Of course didn’t help when I stepped in something sticky

This cannot be happening I said looking down

Sure enough doggie love pile was splattered on the ground

I went to the bathroom to grab some T.P.

It was all gone, lucky me

Time for a shower, I was washing my hair

When soap got into my eyes, ahhh! This was not fair

I put on my robe and into the kitchen I went

Thinking coffee might help oh and I must pay the rent.

I go to find my checkbook and my pen

When I heard my phone ring again and again.

Now I was in a frantic as I was throwing things all around

Trying to find where my phone was by its ringing sound

When I finally found it under the cushion that I threw

I pressed talk “Hello?” “Hey Kyra, it’s is Drew,

Was wondering if you wanted to go out today

That sounds wonderful I thought then said “O.K.”

I hung up the phone with information got

Wasn’t paying attention when I grabbed the coffee “ouch that is hot”

I screamed as it shattered to the ground

More too clean up, messes were coming in mounds

But first my checkbook last night it was on the table

When I was listening to the self help tap….ahem I mean watching cable

There it was lying down on the floor

It had bite marks from my puppy ding dong, there was the door

I went to the window to see who was there

It was my land lord lady with purple dyed hair

“Hello Mrs. Micheal and how are you today?”

“I am fine, need the rent and I will soon be on my way”

I grabbed my checks with the puppy teeth marks

Looking for a pen while my puppy did bark

Mrs. Miceals left, and I turned around

Looking at all the disasters on the ground

I took a towel and cleaned up the messes

Taking away some of my stresses

Ding dong ding dong went the front door

I was surprised that I fell with a kaboom to the floor

I looked once again to see who was there

It was Drew standing with his friend Claire

I started to mumble inside my mind

I thought this was a date oh well this is fine

I welcome them in they asked “What went kaboom?”

I tell them it was something in the other room

My laundry was still going and I wasn’t prepared

To start this day oh why should I care

I get dressed, grab keys and phone

Told my puppy to be good while he is alone

Off I go to start my life

Praying that it will hold no strife

Even though not much was done

The rest of the day turned out to be fun

In the back of my mind I had much to do

So here is my quick poem just for you

This I must confess

That sometimes life can be a stress

With all our promises and all our goals

We walk around counting Woes

I have this to do and that to have done

I have this to get and that to have run

Work, school, errands, meetings

Hello! Goodbye! Oh Simple quick greetings

In and out of stores

In and out of doors

Clean the house, mow the lawn

Run another errand won’t be long

Run around all through town

Sometimes I feel my world upside down.

May you have a Blessed day

With successful goals in every way.

~Keyria Lockheart~

Phil 4:13 You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

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