Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stress Free Tip #29 Two day blog

Haley peered closer to the picture. She was looking into a princess book her mother had got her for her birthday. The picture she had been engulfed in was that of the princess bedroom. With wonder in her eyes she looked at all the clothes in the closet. "Oh what beautiful dresses" she thought in her head. She looked over at her closet to see the most common clothes then back at the picture. She looked at the huge bed in the middle of the room with the veil lace around it and on top as if it was its own secluded room. Her bed was a simple small bed no lace veil or anything. She sighed. She looked at the huge rug on the floor and the chandelier light. She looked at the huge mirror and how the room was all glittery pink and white. Her room was a disaster zone: clothes lying on the floor, toys everywhere, no real color but a throw up of random colors everywhere. Again she sighed. She crossed her legs as she peered back into the book. Then all the sudden she jumped up. Almost knocking the book off the bed.

"I can do this." She said to no one in particular. She made a goal to make her room into the same looking room of the one in the book. She started to clean. As she cleaned she found toys she hadn't seen in a while and would be distracted playing with them. After a while she would realize she was forgetting to clean and start to clean but get tired real soon. Weeks went by and she did try to clean but it was not going like she had expected. after a month she looked in her room. There wasn't much that changed other then the clothes were now in a pile on the floor instead of spread out. She sighed. Nothing is ever going to change.

When her mother came in she saw that Haley was down. She asked " Why the sad frown darling?" With a sigh Haley explained she wanted the princess room. She said but she can't because of the mess. Her mother smiled. "I seen you did try. So why not if we can get a hamper so you have something to throw your clothes into. And a Toy box for the toys. Lets see and we can move those there and this here..." Her mother went to work planning. She explained that even though she had ideas that meant full commitment on Haley to do as she is told.

A couple days later her room was cleaned with a new hamper and toy box. She looked at her room then at the picture then back at her room. She sighed once again as her mother came in to wish her a good night. "What is wrong dear?" Haley shrugged and turned away. Her mother looked down and saw the picture of the room. "Oh that is a pretty room. Still I like yours better." Haley squished up her face. There was so much more to do. She had to paint, get fancy dresses, a rug, chandelier and more. Oh why couldn't her mother see this isn't even close to a princess room. Her mother seeing her daughter disappointed still kissed her forehead. "When I was younger I wanted to have a pony. I had to have a pony. It was my dream." Haley turned and looked at her mom. Her eyes were now in wonder. Her mother wanted a pony? That is silly where was she supposed to keep it? She had seen her grandmas house where her mom grew up. There was no room inside or out for a pony.

"I wanted it sooo bad. I didn't understand the reality of my situation. I never asked myself: Where would I keep my pony and who would care, clean, feed and pick up after it and how could I afford it." I was to busy dreaming of having a pony that I never thought about those things. Your grandma got me a stuffed horse for my birthday, a rocking horse and a tkt to the fairgrounds to go ride the ponies. As much as those were wonderful gifts I was not happy. I wanted the real pony not a fake one. I wanted to own not just ride one." Haley's mother stopped and smiled. "It took me some time to realize what I had was wonderful. Not many kids in my class had a rocking horse of their own, nor did the get to go to the fair. Yes it would have been fun to have a horse but allot of work goes into having one and I know I would not have been prepared for it. We don't always get to have everything we want but we do get to have things and make them our own special things. I never got a pony but that birthday ended up being one of the funnest birthdays I ever had. Everyone wanted to come over and play at my house with the rocking horse, my friends were all jealous I got to ride on a pony and everyone believed I was a true cowgirl. I believed it too. I didn't have to own a horse for that."

Haley looked at her book. She sighed again. "I just wanted to be a princess" she said softly. "But you are. You are my princess!" She looked at her mother and smiled. She sat up and hugged her.
"You know, I think I have a crystal ornament we can hang from the wall to make into the chandelier, and that pink rug at the store would go good with the pink paint we found for your walls. And I was thinking maybe we can invite a few of your friends to come over and help put glitter on your walls. What do you think?" Haley's eyes widened and excitedly she said "Mom I love you! You are the best. You are my Queen and I am your princess. This is going to be better then that princess room." Her mom stood up and started to go for the door. "You know I was going to save these for your birthday in two days but I think you might want to see how they will look now." Her mother left the room for a second then came back with some wrapped boxes. "Go ahead open them up" Haley started to unwrap the three boxes in front of her. Each box had two princess dresses in them. Her mother hung them up in her closet then kissed her night. As Haley was lying she stared into her closet. The nightlight glow made a soft glow around the dresses. Haley fell asleep peacefully.

Todays challenge: What do you think this story is about that could help us to be stress free? leave a comment or email me. I just want you to enjoy the story today and tomorrow I am going to discuss the tip.

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